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Course Registration / Admission to Courses – Guidelines

Course registration on StudentWeb is regarded as an application for admission to courses.

  • Rector appoints the total number of students per course.
  • 10 % of the seats in the English speaking courses are reserved for exchange students
  • Admission to courses shall be undertaken by seniority by the Department of Academic Services unless otherwise stated in the study plan
  • The principle of ranking by seniority is deviated from if one registers courses after the deadline
  • If several applicants are ranked the same by seniority, the admission shall be undertaken by drawing lots
  • If there are more applicants than available seats for a class, students who have not taken a corresponding course before will be prioritized unless otherwise stated in the study plan. The principle of ranking by seniority will also be applied
  • For courses that have more applicants than available seats, there will be established a waiting list based on the ranking rules mentioned above. The waiting list will be utilized when there is any change and/or when courses are replenished
  • The final result of admission to courses will be sent to students’ e-mail accounts which are designated by AHO