fbpx Self-programming | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design



Do you want to self-program? Self-programming is a self-defined course with an advisor. After passing the foundation level, students can be granted a self-programmed course plan under the following conditions:

  • The student can self-programme once during their studies
  • Students who take a two-year Master's in landscape architecture can only self-programme in the second semester
  • The possibility of self-programming applies to studio courses (24 credits). Self-programming of smaller courses can only take place in special cases
  • A self-programmed course plan is intended for students with such good fundamental knowledge that the Head of the Institute finds it justifiable to let the student self-programme
  • The student cannot have deviations in their study progression. The Head of the Institute is responsible for assessing the student's academic level and progression before approval. Self-programming can also be limited by the institute's capacity for the current semester

This is how you apply

  1. Download the application form here (.docx)
  2. You apply the semester before you want to start self-programming.
    Deadline for the spring semester: 1 November
    Deadline for the autumn semester: 1 May
  3. The form must be approved and signed by the Head of department and advisor and contain the full programme. The form is delivered to the Info Centre on the third floor
  4. In addition to applying for self-programming, you can prioritise courses as usual
  5. Applications for self-programming submitted after the deadlines will not be approved

Requirements for the programme

  • The programme must contain dissemination of the project, timetable, scope, requirements for submitted material and a dated schedule for academic guidance. The program must be a minimum of eight pages
  • The student is responsible for assigning an academic advisor. The advisor must be employed by AHO
  • If several people are to self-program in a group, everyone must deliver their programme
  • The student must let us know if they want a workplace at the school

Review and examination are agreed between the advisor and external examiner. The student will be notified of the date of the examination no later than four weeks before the examination. The review must take place before the end of each semester. The student is responsible for following this up in dialogue with the advisor and external examiner.