fbpx Coastal mapping research studio | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Coastal mapping research studio

Coastal mapping research studio

The course discusses the consequences of the development of Norwegian Fisheries on land:
  • Territorial consequences
  • Local consequences in transformation of place 
The spatial, territorial consequences are discussed in the central area for the winter cod-fisheries. In the spring of 2018, we studied Senja, in the autumn of 2018, we studied Lofoten, while in the spring of 2019 we studied Vesterålen.
Local consequences are analyzed by the use of case studies. Statistics and visual material are processed by the use of GIS programs and statistical methods. The methodology of the study adapts to OMA/AMO methods in rural studies.
Credits: 6
Level of study: Master
Teaching semester: spring 2018-spring 2019
Person in charge: Karl Otto Ellefsen, Espen Aukrust Hauglin
Bachelor or basic education AHO