fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 35 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Xiaotong Wang

Nina Bjørnstad
Sexually abused children can sometimes struggle to do things to care for themselves. The demand for help was so great. Although effective treatments have been developed, they are not widely available, and sometimes when children try to help themselves they often make matters worse.This diploma is about helping children to recover from the mental effects of sexual abuse by using self-healing products. The target user group is 7 to 14 years old survivors in China, especially left-behind children.

Alvilde Jerpseth

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Helene Falsad
Friluftsliv er viktig for folkehelsa, og de minst aktive bor i byer. Mange kunne tenke seg og være mer aktive, men faller utenfor det aktivitetstilbudet som finnes i dag.

UTETID er en digital tjeneste som skal gjøre det enklere å finne, delta og planlegge utendørsaktiviteter. UTETID samler aktører i et digitalt verktøy som gir tilgang til aktivi-tetsutstyr, kurs og guiding, og motiverer til å prøve ut aktiviteter tilknyttet hverdagslivet.

Thomas Wang Johannesen

Mosse Sjaastad
Kjetil Nordby

Julie Sandvoll

Edward David Matthews
Mosse Sjaastad
The way NAV organizes and implements change today is not optimal, and has a negative impact on the work environment and the employee experience. This project therefore explores an alternative solution for organizing and implementing initiatives and organizational change.

The project initiates common guide lines, activities and tools to build a better understanding of the internal work environment and actionable space for change and initiatives that meet employee needs.

Oda HeierShivani Prakash

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Henry Mainsah
In our increasingly multicultural society, service designers operate within complex societal systems at a high speed. When designers move into projects, they meet a diverse spectrum of people, and navigate different power dynamics. As service design is increasingly accepted as an approach to innovation in public services, designers have moved into positions of more power.

Siqi Chen

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Pardis Shafafi
Identity is a manifestation of our individual characteristics and intentions. It can be found in many different forms, spanning from physical features to abstract cultural elements. However identity is rarely a passive component of our lives, but rather a powerful tool we apply to make decisions or position ourselves in the society.


Through personal identity we express, we learn, we confront, we find others, we vote, we change, we hate and we love.

Marie Frogner

Steinar Killi
954 000 tons of fish byproducts is produced annually by Norwegian processing plants alone. As a resource it is plentiful and its ongoing. This diploma project is an exploration of the potential within the marine waste streams.

Zijun Lin

Birger Ragnvald Sevaldson
Nowadays, China’s food system faces significant challenges in the context of rapid urbanization, population growth, dietary transition, and climate change. The current food system is threatening both human health and environmental sustainability. 

The project takes a systemic look at the current food system in China. Based on the understanding of the food systems and the target users, Panacea Food Lab suggests a platform targeted at young Chinese consumers that provides a hands-on educational food experience. 
Jonas VetlesenFredrik Kjellsen Just

Einar Sneve Martinussen



Song Xue

Steinar Killi
Stein Rokseth
Fridtjof Heyerdahl
