fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 37 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Martin Tosterud

Erik Fenstad Langdalen

Jacob Emil Klingen Borg

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
More then ever we are demolishing our built environment and obliterating our nature in the sake of progress. This attitude towards the existing environment has high costs on many levels. As a coming architect I am inspired to think and see value in what we already have around us, both the built and the living. In the design process words like securing, preserving and maintaining has gained new strength. And only when needed, additions are made.

Bjørnar Andersen

Tine Hegli
«Sinsenhuset» is a project that deals with the challenges of loneliness, providing opportunities for people of all income groups to buy into the property market and the re-use of an existing building structure.

The building, formerly used as student housing, has large spaces in the core for shared functions. By reusing the building’s structure, it can easily be adapted to cohousing - a more sustainable, cheap and social way of living that connects people across generations.
Ingemar Eirik Nesheim

Bente Kleven
Erik Fenstad Langdalen

The traffic bridge is re-programmed so as to maintain a barrier against gentrification albeit with different means than before. It is made attractive and fortified through a program of public interest, and further utilised to create a green connection between the river promenade and the fjord, continuing over the railway tracks of the Oslo Central Sta-tion. Grønland is a spatially small but diverse district, marked by a wide range of stake-holders.
Xiaoxiao Zhang

Rolf Gerstlauer
What makes a church a church? What makes us stand in awe in a church? Is it the statue or the cross on the wall? Is it the symbol that makes the church? For me, Church is about architecture.

What does architecture mean to me? What makes architecture an art? Why are we moved by architecture? For me, architecture is about church.


Chen Xing Wang

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Project digital craft explores the digital design possibilities for ceramic handicrafters. It examines how the digital design tool uses the data to enhance the creativities and as a medium for crafters’ storytelling.
The proposal was taken at the standpoints from practical to speculative look at integrating digital design possibilities.
Tord Halvor Langfeldt Stenstadvold

Josina Vink
In the debate around drug reform in Norway there are two main vocal factions, those advocating for regulation of recreational drugs and those advocating against. The factions are characterised by echo-chamber mechanics and hostility. In addition, power in the debate is unbalanced, as one side is often supported by police and politicians, and the other side are currently supporting the legalisation of illegal activity. Members of the factions often discredit or dismiss the other factions point of view, and  this creates a debate that moves slowly.
Seyed Amir Arsalan Shamsabadi

Steinar Killi
Edward David Matthews
Magne Ekerum
Beyond Sharing is an interdisciplinary design pro­ject that explores the possibilities and opportunities of shared mobility as a potential contribution to chal­lenges relating to the development of a sustainable urban transportation system in Oslo area.

Jacob Bråthen Pettersen

Ted Matthews
Steinar Killi
This diploma looks to encourage people in Oslo to consume sneakers in a more environmentally sustainable way. Through my research, I’ve learned that reducing the consumption of new shoes is the most sustainable strategy to implement in Oslo.
Raoul Koreman

Josina Vink
Project Speechless explores the landscape within Norwegian language education for immigrants. It takes a critical look at the ongoing political developments in Norway and suggests a way to address these changes within existing education services.
