fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 39 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Benjamin Sjöberg

Amandine Maia Johanna Kastler
Erlend Skjeseth
Neven Mikac Fuchs
The project speculates how qualities of a public exterior in Gothenburg can be retained and given new significance by constructing a corresponding public interior below ground.

Tanita Eide Saur

Bente Kleven
Astrid Rohde Wang
S T A Y  is an emergency accommodation in the center of Oslo, hosting homeless people in the evening/night. Ground floor is a day time-center for the people living on the street.   
Address: Schweigaardsgate 41, 0191 Oslo
A low threshold-service.
Addressing those who have legal residence permits, but no welfare rights.
The project provides 300 sleeping places.
The design of the accommodation is based on a sleeping-capsule-principle, with associated logistics.
Alexander Tunby Rosseland

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Per Olaf Fjeld
Kai Justin Reaver
The means of production of electricity is becoming more and more hidden away while its consumption and ubiquity is growing. This project aims to create a hydro station with a strong presence and clarity, mediating the forces and scale of nature, as well as the forces and scale of machines.
Andrea Nova Rosengren

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
Sofia Martins Da Cunha
Andjela Brankovic
The task has been to redesign and reprogram an existing marketplace in central Philippines. The aim of this is to enhance both the village itself and the inhabitant’s everyday life and question the true value of a marketplace as a social and collective meeting point. The project wishes to provide program and space to enlighten the Filipino’s true values and traditions, to bring back the spirit of community and to bring people back home
Fredrik Rognerud

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
«I don’t mean to say the city is cruel or bad. It is an interesting organism that contains our history and culture, even behaviour. We go about in it and behave in a way we collectively see fit. Often that behavior is decided by different architectures, and the city is full of those.»
 From book 1: Escape.
«When I look at the roofscape of the city I’m split between feeling hopelessly lost in ever coming to understand how the city works and the joy in imagining what the city contains under all those roofs.»
 From book 1: Escape.
Giacomo Pelizzari

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Angela Deuber
My diploma is a proposal for a hotel where the interest is the guest’s experience of space. Working with typology to avoid the perception of a repetitive system, a sense of ownership of the inhabited space is sought. Three spatial experiences are imagined in a precise sequence. A partly underground lobby welcoming the visitor, a narrow and long private room hosting him with different shades of intimacy and a large open public room on the piano nobile introducing him back to the city.
Morten Hammersmark Olsen

Christine Petersen
Tanja Lie
In the coastal municipality of Rødøy there are 377 islanders living on eight different islands. Traditionally most of them would have their own school and function as self-sufficient communities. Today there are three schools left and children have to travel by boat every day to get to school. When a school is closed it is almost as the island gets a death sentence. This project is about re-thinking the island school in terms of form, space and community.
Helene Velle Olsen

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Per Olaf Fjeld
In the vast meadowland of Gotland sits the
structure which is a part of the horizontal
landscape found on site. The built landscape is
inhabited by an animal sanctuary for sheep based
on The Five Freedoms that outline five aspects of
animal welfare under human control, developed in
response to a 1965 UK Government report on
livestock husbandry.
The five freedoms for animal welfare:

1. Freedom from hunger and thirst - by
ready access to fresh water and diet to
maintain health and vigor.

Torgeir Nordbø

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Aleksandra Ognjanov
Chris-Johan Engh
In my proposal the servant space is the main space.

The foyer of Rogaland Theatre is the architectural element that connects the old theatre to its new extension, while as an urban infrastructure it stages its immediate surroundings and gives them a new context. The project is about the space you walk through, which is both a result of something, and something in itself.

Marita Myklebost Nilsen

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Through centuries, there has been a historical and philosophical exploration of blindness and a fascination with what the blind actually do ‘see’. Visual culture calls for a meditation on blindness, the invisible, the unseen, the unseeable, and the overlooked.
To question blindness is to question what seeing, and sighted experience, entails in itself.
