fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 40 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Kari Opsal Mæland

Tine Hegli
Anders Grinde
This project explores an electrical substation which uses the natural resource of narcissism and self-exposure to promote sustainable energy.
Marie Meulman

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
I often see objects and then I see in them a longing
for something else. For me this obsession or act is
about finding the balance between closeness and
distance. That’s also why this sentence “He loves to
be alone, as long as she is in the room next to him”
lingers close to my material acting and sensing.
And because of my obsession for seeing or seeking
longing between objects, I decided on making two
houses in the landscape where I grew up. On a site
on a hill near the ocean where cows one time ate
Henrik Melby

Tine Hegli
This project is about investigating how a new fire station in Bjørvika can be close, visible and in harmony with the public.
Oslo Main Fire Station is today located in the area planned for a new Government Quarter, and therefore will be relocated out of the center of Oslo.
To guarantee the preparedness of the inner parts of Oslo there will be built a new central fire station on the fortress common in Bjørvika.
In general, the practically useful function and location of the fire stations built today has made them more isolated from the city than in the old days.
Bjørn Mejlænder-Larsen

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Taubanesentralen (the ropeway hub) is a listed monument situated in Longyearbyen, conveying the history of a coal mining community in the Arctic. It was constructed in the late 1950s and used to transport kibbles with coal from the mines in the mountains where it was collected and passed on to the port and out to the world. The industry was in many ways constructed around the ropeway hub. Taubanesentralen is a purely practical installation, most likely shaped without thought for the esthetics.
Trygve O. Magnussen

Halvor Weider Ellefsen
This is a theoretical diploma that compares: Oslo’s ‘Fjord City’ and Hamburg’s ‘HafenCity’; two ongoing urban developments aimed to reconnect the inner-center with the waterfront. The objective is to scrutinize and compare the; motivations for urban development, strategies of implementation and visions for urban space and form.
Rebecca Oldroyd Cheetham Laland

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Aleksandra Ognjanov
Espen Knudsen Vatn
In the end of Schweigaards gate in Oslo, there is a long and narrow site right next to the train tracks. The apartment building sits on a terrace looking over the trains and towards Ekebergåsen. Like the tracks, the building forms a gentle curve. A space is left where the residents and neighborhood can enjoy the terrace and view to the south. The terrace and apartments are reached from tall passages, leading in from the street. The key qualities to the apartments are those given by courtyards and loggias that punctuate the building.
Kevin Kuriakose

Marius Nygaard
Jan Godzimirski
The site is in the rolling hills of the midlands of Kerala, a state on the south western coast of India. The chosen site is in a small rural village of Chellakkappady which only has a population of around 1500 people. The main purpose of the Palliative and Dialysis community centre is to improve and aid medical access to the ageing population of Kerala especially around the rural midlands of Central Kerala.
Roman Kekel

Amandine Maia Johanna Kastler
Erlend Skjeseth
Daniel Simon Ayat
The concept of the border/bordering is analogous to the concept of other/othering. The town of Most in Czechia is a place of transformation and liminality. Located at the northwestern edge of the lignite-mining region of Sudetenland, this place is significant due to the radical changes that the adjacent border has had on its culture and its landscape. The aim of this thesis was to extend the typical definition of nature by linking it with the cultural and political history of a place.
Ørjan Johannesen Magnus Næss Karlsen

Bente Kleven
Group project by Ørjan Johannesen & Magnus Næss Karlsen
Our initiative for this project started with an interest in how we could work with a landscape, create a unique, more locally based architecture. We chose a site in Lofoten close to Svolvær in Vågan municipality. The site is deemed for housing development in stages. In large scale, 2-300 units over the next 5-10 years.
Bin Jia

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The project is a new elementary school in the dense neighbourhood Bervens Løkke in Oslo. The requirements for the school programme should accommodate spaces for a wide range of activities within a limited collection of spaces.
The definition of the space can be thought of a space machine. It was made up by individual parts which are compactly and concisely operated. They preserve their independence and are defined at the same time by their coherent structural context. The result of this condensation is the utmost increase of the spatial complexity.
