fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 41 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Ane Marie Jakobsen

Tone Selmer-Olsen
Housing in Oslo is becoming increasingly more expensive. Recently many people fall between, not earning enough to buy and not qualifying for financial assistance. Oslo Kommune has been working on an alternative housing model and In may 2019 they announced the start of a third housing sector. The plan is to fund initiatives exploring alternative housing types like collective housing and urban strategies that help the local communities and create social meeting places.
Lior Hobashi

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Astrid Rohde Wang
The intention of the project is to create a knowledge Center for Norwegian Jewish History and Culture in the historic Jewish complex in Calmeyers street 15. It consists of an apartment block from the 1890s and a synagogue from 1921, two buildings that lost their residents during the deportations in the fall of 1942.
The purpose of the center is to communicate and deliver Norwegian Jewish history and culture to the public. As a Norwegian Jew, I hope that sharing such knowledge will reduce prejudice.
Kristine Heimdal

Bente Kleven
As life expectancy increases and people maintain good health longer we have a large group of the Young-Old, elderly freed from the responsibilities of adulthood and childhood, and largely unconstrained by physical and mental disabilities. Current requirements for healthcare will be demanding in the future both economical and with human resources. How can we make people live longer in their own homes and make community benefit from their life experience, knowledge and time?

Espen Robstad Heggertveit

Sabine Muller
Gro Bonesmo
Miniature Megalopolis considers an urban and geographic entity in the north east part of Oslo - the valley usually referred to as Groruddalen. Sitting as a hinge between Oslo and its hinterland, the area is a complex jumble of industry, cars, noise and messiness, interrupted by slender chimneys and the massive banana slabs, superlamellas and pyramid blocks of the satellite cities. Green patches of sport fields, agriculture, lawns and meadows provide breathing space.
Håvard Heggenhougen

Espen Knudsen Vatn
Neven Mikac Fuchs
Aleksandra Ognjanov
Since the decision to fully automate the lighthouses along the Norwegian coast almost half of them have become protected according to the law of cultural heritage. However, local interest and initiative is the biggest contributor to keeping most of them preserved today.  Unfortunately an increasing number of people continue to move away from rural areas, and even more so from island communities where so many of these lighthouses are located. Which begs the question, what happens to the lighthouses when the locals are gone?
Isak Grimstad

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
I go to a place looking for something but nothing in particular. It is a meeting. I bring myself and all of my things. Brenden waits for me there with all of its things. Between me and Brenden there opens a space of imagination and inspiration.
Kaia Kristine Giltun

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
Sigurd G. Berge
I denne oppgaven tar jeg for meg gjenbruk av verneverdig bygningsmasse og forsøker å gi den nytt liv med fokus på spennende form og bruk. Formålet med oppgaven er å vise at man kan bygge spennende arkitektur innenfor verneverdige rammer og at dette må sees som en mulighet snarere enn et hinder.
Torfinn Truchs Erga

Amandine Maia Johanna Kastler
Erlend Skjeseth
Torskeholmen lies in center of Grimstad, at the intersection between the historical town center and the former industrial harbour. Facing development plans, Torskeholmen Public Bath explores the potential of existing structures and uses to become a destination for both locals and tourists through the spectacle of the bathhouse specifically and the resort in general. The project consists of three buildings with surrounding waterfront that has been transformed, refurbished or extended in order to facilitate existing and added uses.
Espen Egeland

Rolf Gerstlauer
This project is a research on the museum of contemporary art. The study doesn’t attempt to reinvent or make changes to the concept of the museum but is looking for ways to find the new in an established concept. It studies the museum through the idea of the white cube, which is the idea of a hypersensitive state triggered during the act of perceiving. If a person is receptible to perceive the expression of an artwork, it’s also receptible to everything else, making the interaction a vulnerable event.
Nicholas Ryan Coates

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Dagur Eggertsson
Tistedalen Paper Laboratory forms a space in which
material is processed - in this case, paper - from raw
material to resultant product. Through investigations
of material, time, and place, this diploma forms a
study of the role in which continual processing and
reprocessing has the capacity to form the foundation
of an architectural investigation – one that coexists
with physicality, fragmentation, and memory.
As a laboratory for experimentation, the project forms
a space that can tie into the active paper mill
