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Sanaz Akbari Koli

Site Introduction
Sommarøy is a unique island in Troms county which can reached by bike and public transportation. It is famous for its white coral beaches and turquoise water.
Oskar Hjellbakk

“Framnesparken”  ser på hvordan økologiske prosesser i nord kan bli til inspirasjon for pedagogiske og rekreasjonelle programmer. Parken er et transformasjonsprosjekt av den gamle Narvik lufthavn som ligger på Framneslia, Narvik. Sprengmassen som danner grunnlaget for rullebanen  ble transportert og utgravd fra Narvik Havn sent på 1960-tallet for å utvide jernbanesporet og tilrettelegge for ny havn for utskiping av jernmalm fra gruvene i Kiruna.  
Bulent Ata Gungor

Thomas Juel Clemmensen
Iceland is a country of renewable energy. 85% of the energy supply is through hydropower and geothermal sources. In 2009, Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Plant was opened. Harnessing the power of Jökulsá á Dal glacial river, the project is the largest of its kind in Iceland(690 MW).

Yi He

We only know what we see, and we tend to only see what we know. A new description of the fjord is critical, but since scientific exploration underwater is limited by current technology, we cannot rely only on it. We need to also explore the subjective, the imaginary, to understand what is at stake.

The cruise ship will act as a site, the passengers as audience. The design is a surface, a space and an event on the roof deck. It uses a gigantic plastic balloon to stimulate the imaginary.

Marte Tafjord Langeggen

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Johan Engh
The diploma is two apartment buildings in Oslo. They are situated next to a collection of free standing urban houses. A close clustering of buildings creates a dynamic urban situation. They are neither perimeter-block or free-standing block, but embody certain qualities of each of these typologies. 

The focus is on privacy of the interior, on collective spaces of apartments and the city between two buildings. 

Loris Clara

Neven Mikac-Fuchs
Young Eun Choi
Today’s globally growing tourist industry demands to bring people fast and efficiently to high altitudes to do sports activities like skiing and hiking. For the development of alpine rural landscapes, cable car is the most ideal infrastructural system for this transportation.

Frida Støvern

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Daniel Hasan
80% av sanseinntrykkene våre kommer fra synet. Hvordan er det da å orientere seg uten denne sansen? Ved å få en forståelse av rom og retning bidrar dette til trygghet og en selvstendig hverdag, men hva gjør du når møtet med en uforutsett hindring gjør byen din ugjenkjennelig?

Denne diplomoppgaven har sett på hvordan møtet med disse hindringene kan bli mindre frustrerende. Fra å tenke digitale løsninger på skjerm, har jeg eksperimentert på tvers av sanser og sett på nye måter oppleve digitalt innhold.

Zane Cerpina

Claes Håkan Edeholt
YW™ - Your Water is a speculative industrial design concept that aims to radically challenge the way the public perceives, thinks of and gets involved in with the increasing water scarcity in the age of the Anthropocene.
YW™ is a modular household size wastewater treatment system - that turns black and grey water into clean drinking water. It also extracts valuable secondary by-products such as energy and nutrients that would be otherwise lost.
Vilde Rebekka Aasen

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Gyldendal Undervisning
Springbrett is a tool for Gyldendal’s editorial team to initiate and facilitate an interdisciplinary way of working with other in-house competencies.
In the fall of 2020, the Subject Renewal will introduce a new, ambitions national curriculum for all Norwegian Public Schools, with focus on critical thinking and reflection, through interdisciplinary project work. Gyldendal, Norway's biggest publishing house, wishes to support teachers in this shift by offering pre-made interdisciplinary learning programs in their digital learning platform Skolestudio.
Trygve Shadi Restan

Birgitta Cappelen
Harm reduction is an approach to improve health and give persons with high-risk addiction challenges a more dignified life, through offerings such as safe injection sites and sterile syringes.   

My diploma proposes a new public service, Luna, which serves as national harm reduction centers.  At Luna, the members can get a more comprehensive care package when living a high-risk drug life.
