fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 44 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Tarjei Nerbø Ødegård

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Jørn Georg Sannes Knutsen
Peder Torget
Hvordan kan politisk informasjon formidles og hjelpe unge velgere med å ta ett standpunkt? Målet med oppgaven er å skape interesse for, og refleksjon rundt, samfunnsspørsmål samt øke kunnskapsnivået til unge velgere.
Taaha Bin Khalid

Mosse Sjaastad
Information and communication technology has revolutionised the traditional systems of knowledge sharing. Today, hundreds of digital presentations are made every day in conferences and events as well as by various organisations and educational institutions. However, the accessibility aspects of those presentations have hardly been given any consideration.

Paulina Alejandra Buvinic Hormazábal

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Josina Vink
Nowadays, the culture around assisted reproduction is primarily focused on effectiveness and success rates, making many patients feel like they are not being acknowledged as people, but that they are part of a production line.
Katja Surina

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Computers are our personal companions that many had access to long before they could walk. To some extent, we have developed an excellent understanding of how to operate a personal computer. However, what do we really know about computer maintenance and how to best fix them? The lack of basic hardware knowledge and some practical repairing skills results in the increased rate of computer electronics disposal. Thus, leaving Norway on the top of E-waste generation chart in the world.  

Karen Byskov

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Einar Sneve Martinussen
A Chain of Events is a project looking at what happens after bicycle accidents and suggests four interventions that can offer support after an accident. Acknowledging that accidents will never be a pleasant experience, the project aims to make bicycle accidents less shitty. This is done by offering information and support at various points in time through the accident journey.

Jørgen Sebastian Ebbel Frederiksen

Stein Georg Rokseth
Steinar Killi
Even Wøllo
Thomas N. Dahle
Throughout the year, the workers of the Norwegian Air ambulance face difficult rescues and challenging environments.  In these scenarios, they use a dedicated helmet with additional equipment according to the rescue operation.
This project takes aim at solving issues that they are currently experiencing with their existing equipment.
By integrating adjustable ventilation and technical equipment, this search and rescue helmet provides increased comfort in all scenarios, with a reduced number of add-ons.

Nora Langleite JanceyJulie Årving

Edward David Matthews
Einar Sneve Martinussen
I overgangen fra arbeidslivet til pensjonistlivet er det mange spørsmål som kan dukke opp. Pensjonssystemet vårt er komplisert, og gjør mange usikre på sin fremtidige økonomi. Samtidig kan denne livsfaseovergangen oppleves som et stort emosjonelt brudd med tap av roller, nettverk og følelsen av å være samfunnsnyttig.
Jonas Carlsen KolstadGard Hagen

Steinar Killi
In all of the world’s seas, oceans, and waterways, fishing gear is continually lost and discarded. As a result, animals become captured, only to die from starvation, predation, cannibalism, disease, or poor water quality. When caught animals die, they, in turn, attract scavengers, thus creating a cycle of death.
Jessica Lauren Peter

Nicholas Sebastian Stevens
Nina Bjørnstad
Some makers are drawn to the meticulous qualities of traditional knitting techniques, favouring needles or hand-powered machines. Others would rather embrace new technology, adopting new gadgets into their craft, picking up ideas and dropping stitches. This project is for the latter group.
Hack 1 Knit 2 focuses on whole-garment knitting: a technology that enables the creation of fully formed seamless garments that don’t require additional assembly after exiting the knitting machine.
Frøya ThueFrida V D Drift Breivik

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Steinar Killi
DYPP is a design diploma exploring the future potential of seaweed as bioplastic through strategic use of design. Based on our own explorations, interviews and feedback from experts, our design proposal consists of a roadmap and four future scenarios. The aim of the roadmap is to create an overview and illustrate key steps and relations between the industry, government and research departments. To exemplify a possible development, we have designed four future scenarios using seaweed for packaging. The scenarios are illustrated through physical touchpoints and future trends.
