fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 45 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Ester Hauan Kaasa

Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Steinar Killi
Berit Bringedal
Every year about 300 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Norway. Cervical cancer can be eradicated. This diploma is made in collaboration with the Norwegian Cervical Cancer Screening Program (NCCSP) and explores how design interventions can reinforce their services and aims to support them in reaching the goal of eliminating cervical cancer.
August Denizou LundJens Christian Boxaspen

Steinar Killi
Stein Georg Rokseth
The snow-capped mountainous terrain, deep blue fjords, lush valleys, wild and untouched nature, cold winters and mild summers. All
this and more makes Norway to what it is. While also contributing to making Norway a difficult land for building railway infrastructure.
However, we believe that this challenging nature is exactly what would make Norwegian high-speed rail into more than just a transport
leg, making for one of the most scenic rail experiences in the world.

Andreea TecusanHelene Falstad

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Lars Marcus Vedeler
Daniel Mahal
Sebastian Gorton Kalvik
Because of a lack of words, action and tools, the people around a griever tend to disappear. In Norway, grief is often an individual and lonely experience.

Approaching grievers can feel risky and intimidating; the fear of making things worsetends to push people away. We have created an alternative present showing new ways of approaching people in mourning.

Andrea Kristine Lysgaard

Mosse Sjaastad
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Marianne Støren Berg
Kom Hjem er en konseptskisse av et digitalt samarbeidsverktøy for Sykehuset i Vestfold, SiV. Verktøyet skal brukes av sykepleiere og foreldre til premature nyfødte. Dette muliggjør et hjemme-sykehus på nyfødtavdelingen ved SiV, der mor og barn kan komme tidligere hjem.
Samarbeidsverktøyet er
- et digitalt oppslagsverk for informasjon
- synlige verdier av parametere som blir målt på barnet
- en kommunikasjonsplattform mellom foreldre og sykepleiere etter hjemreise
- en triage (grønn, gul og rød), der grad av alvor blir beskrevet i tre scenarioer
Mohammed Zeeshan Elahi Aziz

Neven Fuchs-Mikac
Young Eun Choi
The hotel and garden as imagined in this proposal are both a private shed and a public monument located between the city and the sea on the peninsula of port Alexandria, Egypt.
Yao Zuo

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
The Garden, always there, is formless. It grows with different clues and fragments, creating and being the different parts of Garden. A river I was born to sit by, an island I used to be curious about, a moon at a certain time, a light at a distinct place, …and a stone given to me by an old man. All this has been placed in the Garden. All this became my exploration of the formless in Garden.
Silvia Mihaela Diaconu

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Janike Kampevold Larsen
Tuva Maire Øvsthus
A carpet in Constanta
A fragment of fortification on Simian Island
An absence in the middle of the Danube
The island is not gone, it's groundless. It needs to ground itself in something new.
The project acknowledges the disappearance of an island as a tangible landscape and
explores different means to promote it as a purely cultural landscape. They vary from descriptive to performative, from the scale of an exhibition to the scale of large architectural and landscape proposals.
Sigurd Manfredi

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
In spring 2017, a hundred year old baker’s home caught fire.  
This was the house I lived in when I was three until I was six years old. 
The house with its adjoining bakery, stands out among its neighbors. It has a big roof, yet the house is small. The walls and windows are slightly skewed, and behind a carved, wooden gate, there is a garden. 
While the house is not listed, it is still considered to have a high cultural heritage value.  
Seweryn Zawada

Christine Petersen
A church is a house of God where everybody is welcome. The space separates sacred from the profane and strengthens people in faith. The project is a catholic church combined with a clergy house. It is located in a flat area, near nature reserve.
The church consists of nave, leading along the axis with a slight slope to the altar. The placement of the altar is the intersection of the central space and two chapels that creates a transept. The spaces cause focus while the light coming through gaps under the ceiling, makes a majestic impression.
Sara Helene Molteberg

Marius Nygaard
Catherine Sunther
This project is a proposal on a combined work and exhibition place for artists and
designers. The idea is that various artists and art forms can meet and interact with each other, creating a common meeting place.
The building consists of studios, exhibition space, workshop and café.
The studio space is flexible and can beopen ed up to a larger space, or closed in separate studios.
