fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 46 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Salvador Saraiva Lobo

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Johan Engh
This diploma is about the spatial experience of transitional spaces while satisfying the complexity of the program of an airport as a typology.
The Airport is located in Bodø, in the borderline between the ever-developing urban character of the city and the endless of the Nordic landscape. It acts as a connector of the two.
Prommanas Amatayakul

Namik Mackic
The hydro-agricultural complex of the Chao Praya river delta has been heavily compromised and reduced through rapid and expansive urbanization over the last fifty years. This is reflected in the changes in Bangkok’s urban vernacular. While the historical local settlement typology accommodates and harvests the water excess of the monsoon cycles, the introduced contemporary residential typologies have rigid, socially fragmenting, and climatically inappropriate designs.

Ola Mo

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
But what is really a good space for learning, or a good school? I think one answer is somewhere in the meeting between play and focus. Thoughtfulness around contact between people, buildings and nature. Equally important are the structural choices that unite the construction and technical solutions, the materials, the spatial experiences and where you take off your rubber boots on your way in from an expedition in the nearby stream. All these pieces play an important role in the whole.
Oda Einarsdatter Havstein

Halvor Weider Ellefsen
Ingrid Sletten
Furuset is a district in Oslo built in the 1970s. As a reaction to the high-rise concrete slabs of the 1960s, the area was planned to be a “human scale” environment; a car free, low rise, family friendly and green housing area with various cultural and social program located in close vicinity to your home, supported by a mall by the Furuset subway station. However, the area was not completed as intended. This diploma project is based on an exploration of the original building development plan and its underlying aspirations.
Nhan Van Nguyen

Neven Fuchs-Mikac
Young Eun Choi
The purpose of Zen is enlightenment. And Zen is perceiving things as their true nature, without adding your own thoughts, experience and value.

This diploma is investigating the experience of spaces in a Zen monastery.It is a search after an architecture that perceives the relation between space and rituals.
The idea of secluded spaces is not about similarities, but transitions between singularities.
The monastery is located on a promontory, surrounded by water and nature in the valley of Maridalen.
Julie Ingeborg Harjo

Rolf Gerstlauer
Program: The linear block, the Lamella.
I have found an interest for the lamella as a type,
its straight forward element construction,
how it facilitates for good light conditions,
and how it encourages to work with the facade as a skin.
Function: Apartment building
There are two main apartment types in the project.
On the ground floor there are large duplexes, which form the base of the building.
From the 3rd floor and up there are apartments in which the longness of the building have become the identity of the interior. 
Iselin Jenny Marie Bogen

Mari Hvattum
Norwegian prison architecture in the nineteenth century is a good example of how international architectural ideals were imported, modified, and adjusted to local conditions, all in a period marked by great political, technological and cultural upheavals.
In this dissertation, I present the results of an extensive archival study of this building process, contextualizing the prisons’ architectural design and placing them in a national and international historical context.  
Haseung Chou

Lisbeth Funck
The site of the new exhibition hall is surrounded by the 3-story brick building that used to be an old factory. But it is wide-open to the park on the east alongside the Akerselva, bringing the nature into the school courtyard and connecting it to the roof garden on the upper deck.  The project embraces this ‘link’ and looks for a way to encourage more vibrant interactions with public by taking on the role as a spatial mediator between the school and surrounding nature in the urban context which would be manifested in its tectonic and spatial form.
Gunnar Sørås

Rolf Gerstlauer
Through a series of “Room Pictures” I explore the idea of simplicity in architecture.
From quick sketches to more elaborate digital renders, the atmospheres of different spaces are portrayed. In carefully framing the pictures, I aim to create an expectancy. By not showing everything, I intrigue the mind to imagine what’s around the corner.
Erle Wilhelmsen Austreim

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Kai Justin Reaver
The thesis investigates the ‘Modern’ typology of ruins with a particular focus upon the last twenty years in Oslo, and the fragments and scenes of abandonment and destruction in urban and industrial areas that have occurred in this context.
Rather than finding programmatic solutions, the project explores ‘preservation as experiment’, through sampling 70 sites and collecting evidence and forming an archive.
This thesis seeks to shift the frame of discussion of historical ruins through a consideration of a ruin's relation to the contemporary paradigm.
