fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 48 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Jacob Wood

Janike Kampevold Larsen
The Alberta Tar Sands are an ever present element in Canadian life, but they are never truly depicted in their entirety. From an unknown, prehistoric ocean, to one that is invisible and underground, the Alberta Tar Sands are an unseen, unknown, and intangible geological form spreading through Northern Alberta. The tar sands are an ocean-like object formed through the transformed remains of prehistoric ocean-bound organisms. This representation of them in their entirety serves to preserve their unknown.
Yi He

This project is about an unknown field and an intervention with a balloon. It starts with a fascination with the mystery and darkness of the fjord, and with rethinking the public’s notion of hydro-space. From the cultural-historical perspective, a question about how we shape the fjord, and how it shapes us, starts to arise.

Maria Årthun

Marianne Skjulhaug
Joakim Skajaa
Lisbet Harboe
Oppgaven utfolder seg på Rødtvet, et drabantbyområde i Groruddalen som blir ansett som lite attraktivt.  Stedet skal i årene som kommer gjennomgå en transformasjon i form av boligfortetting hvilket vil påvirke området som helhet. Mitt prosjekt forholder seg konkret til Rødtvet og stedets beboere. Jeg ønsket å undersøke hva jeg som nyinnflyttet nabo og arkitekt kan bidra med for å øke det lokale engasjementet i den pågående fortetningsprosessen, samt å styrke stedsidentiteten og områdestoltheten til Rødtvet.
Resultatet av dette arbeidet ble RØDTVETfestivalen.
Ragnhild Marie C Østern

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Using natural fibers from plants and animals has always been an essential part of human life. The Living Fibers museum aims to educate on the origin and potential of familiar materials. The museum lets the visitors encounter natural fibers in two very different forms of existence; one as living plants and animals, conceived by nature. The other as products of the creative human mind. 

Zheng Zhou

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The story of 22.July, which contain deeply painful but also catalyze the maturity, it always be treated as sensitive topic nowadays. However, the wound will eventually heal, the story will definitely become more objective and educational. The place in where keep this story should leave the revelation behind for future generations.

Neven Fuchs-Mikac
Thomas Gregory Mc Quillan
Thomas von Ballmoos
Based on a special building type in socialist countries - Children's Palace, setting in an urban context, the project is to design a new ’palace’ beside an existing primary school in Nanjing.
Except for the complicated urban context, I kept thinking about the essence of this builidng type: It is a paradise for children, a world of wonder and magic, a container of state-sponsored fantasy. In oder to capture the appropriate atmosphere for a children's palace, I studied Palace as a theme and reference.
Jingyi Zhang

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
Time is an invisible bird,
My building is a cage,
It makes an encounter.
A Sculpture has its position in the universe.
It says something connected to the earth and the sky.
It needs light.
In this way, the building gets born and grows.
Immediately here comes a house for sculptures.
The object is there,
the movement makes the dialogue.
The building is there.
the way that people experience makes a story.
Wenkai Xu

Rolf Gerstlauer
Per Olaf Fjeld
I want to make a house for me and my animals.
Start with this initiative, I’m trying to figure out these questions: Who are the animals? What is the house?
And what is the relationship between us?
Through making animals and the shared environment between us, I think I’m trying to understand how myself would like to deal with the known and unknown others.
The house is a container.
We gather and leave,
it's the way to document these traces.
It's also the way to transform my mood,
my careness to these animals,
Kristoffer Oben Tørstad

Espen Surnevik
Today, urbanization leads to increased pressure on the availability of land in city centers across the globe. With Oslo being the fastest growing major city in Norway, it is paramount
 to find ways to accommodate this rising demand.

Joar Tjetland

Marius Nygaard
Stefan Moritz Groba
Lars Hamran
Arnkell Jonas Petersen
This project investigate the use of daylight as a primary light source in a multipurpose hall. While daylight is a biological part of our body, the typical multipurpose hall does not utilize daylight.
The aim has been to achieve a successful daylight design that brings spatial qualities to multiple levels of the project. Making the hall an attractive place to gather.
