fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 50 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Edward Gunnar Nesse

Marius Nygaard
Stefan Moritz Groba
Lars Hamran
Housing prices are escalating and while the quality of dwellings and their environment are reduced young people and families are looking for alternatives.
Municipalities within daily commuting distance to Oslo are looking for ways to provide these attractive housing solutions.
Closeness to nature and agriculture should be combined with access to flexible working and living conditions, a good childhood environment and cultural and commercial offers. 
Eva Bakke Negård

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Joakim Skajaa
Living together collectively demands a new way of shaping spaces, and the limits of the existing situation can open up for interesting spacial proposals. On site there are three buildings from two different time periods. By transforming them into cooperative housing and introducing a new tower, they form a more dense urban quarter. 

Bao Trung Mai

Christian Hermansen
Jan Kazimierz Godzimirski
This thesis proposes a replacement and combination for the existing skate hall and motor center in Haugenstua, Groruddalen. The site is in the most impoverished districts east of Oslo, where public and common services has been pointed out as crucial aspect in improving Groruddalen’s socio-economic conditions and cultural barriers. The thesis also delves into a hybrid typology of two activity-based programs and its overlapping and contradictory components into a distinct architectonic landscape.
Mathilde Cecilie Lobben

Bente Kleven
Astrid Rohde Wang
How can a building adapt to the existing city, and how can a building adapt to the way we live our lives today?
As a result of population growth and changing living conditions we have to reconsider the way we build and live today. We need to live closer on smaller space.
In Oslo there are several leftover sites in the city structure. I have chosen three sites, NEXTTO, BETWEEN and ONTOP. They are all located in a historical context and surronded by apartment buildings from the 1890s. How can the buildings adapt to their surrondings?

Lisbeth Funck
Per Olaf Fjeld
The Container Museum is a place for many kinds of delicate containers located in Arendalsgata, Oslo. The design process begins with a space prototype directed by philosophy and intuition. Through the discussion of time, distance, movement, materiality, as well as the program and site, the final project is proposed.

Mette Vige Kristoffersen

Sissil Morseth Gromholt
Sabine Muller
Catherine Sunter
In Berlevåg the dependency of a quay and a safe port is articulated by their history of building breakwaters. This project use the quay where Hurtigruten arrives twice a day as site for a restaurant, and the breakwater protecting the port as site for public space and a sauna.

Ville Jussi Jalmari Kohtala

Bente Kleven
Einar Dahle
Tore Moen
A daytime activity center for the intellectually disabled is a place that offers a variety of meaningful activities in a professional environment for adults who need extensive support and lack abilities to function independently. The main challenge in these institutions is to provide a safe environment for these activities to take place in.
Stine Madland Kaasa

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Amandine Maia Johanna Kastler
Developing new architecture in an existing context provides both challenges and possibilities. It requires a thoughtful analysis of existing conditions which can be an inspiring starting point for developing new design.
The Architects’ House serves as offices for four architecture organisations, and includes common facilities such as library and lecture hall. During the last years the organisations have discussed the role and future of the Architects’ House. One suggestion has been to develop the House into a more open and visible place for architects and architecture.
Mina-Matilde HåøyaMaria Højgaard Molden

Bente Kleven
Astrid Rohde Wang
You could argue that the reason a town becomes a town, is because of the relation between resources, people and factories. Our investigation of the duality between production and local community. A leap into a new type of industry and how coastal communities can benefit from town production. The facility combines production of seaweed and local food resources from the coastal district.
Hakon Helseth

Marius Nygaard
Astrid Rohde Wang
My diploma investigates how low threshold wellness for the public can be combined with the municipalities vision for a local district bath.
Oslo is growing rapidly. The city needs places for recreation, socialicing and activities within the city’s defined building structures and patterns.
In Oslo today, there are 65.000 inhabitants per public pool, the worst ratio in Norway. The city council has defined today’s situation as inadequate and defined four types of public baths that they would like to develop.
