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80 301 Norwegian Architecture

Full course name in English: 
Norwegian Architecture - an introduction
80 301
Syklus 2
2018 Høst
2018 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Amandine Kastler

This course is only open for exchange students, international students and Norwegian master students may attend if the course does not fill up.

Knowledge of architectural history is recommended.

Om emnet

This seminar will provide a structure for understanding Norwegian architecture. 

The seminar will investigate the main themes that have dominated architectural production in Norway. The course will study the relationship between Norwegian architecture and other cultural fields with the aim of highlighting how Norway has conveyed and invented its national identity through buildings. Case studies will provide the framework for students to discover how Norway’s built environment has dealt with questions of style, influence and institutional organisation.

During the duration of the semester students will engage with contemporary architects, historians, academics, and artists. Lectures and excursions will support and supplement students individual case study analysis. 


Participants will be introduced to scholarly practices such as conducting interviews, academic writing, working with archives and building analysis.


Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Excursions will be planned for most meetings and will take place in the Oslo metropolitan area. Lectures will supplement the field trips and provide necessary background information. The weekly program for this course will be structured in two parts. Seminar meetings will be held in the morning and excursions will take place in the afternoon. Local architects and other school faculty will regularly join the field trips.

Field trips and outdoor visits will be carried out regardless of weather conditions. Students are responsible for dressing accordingly. Warm and waterproof clothing is recommended, especially in the second half of the field trip schedule.

The student is responsible for their own transport arrangements and provides all necessary documentation and equipment.

Students are expected to attend all meetings and be active contributors and participants.


The curriculum will be given out closer to the start date. 

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått As per the course description, each student will be required to produce and present a concise report with the aim of it being posted on the Room of Possibilities blog. The final report will include a text supported by research material, original archival material and individually produced analytical drawings.

In preparation for the final submission students will be required to submit several drafts over the duration of the semester. Each submission will contribute to the final assessment.

Students will present their report through the blog post at the final review. Attendance is mandatory and the oral presentation is a part of the assessment.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: As per the course description, each student will be required to produce and present a concise report with the aim of it being posted on the Room of Possibilities blog. The final report will include a text supported by research material, original archival material and individually produced analytical drawings.

In preparation for the final submission students will be required to submit several drafts over the duration of the semester. Each submission will contribute to the final assessment.

Students will present their report through the blog post at the final review. Attendance is mandatory and the oral presentation is a part of the assessment.
OppmøteStudents are expected to attend all meetings and be active contributors and participants.

The elective course will meet every Tuesday. The seminar requires a full day of attendance on Tuesdays and a full week of attendance during the elective week.
In addition, students are required work on independent research and complete assignments in their own time.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Students are expected to attend all meetings and be active contributors and participants.

The elective course will meet every Tuesday. The seminar requires a full day of attendance on Tuesdays and a full week of attendance during the elective week.
In addition, students are required work on independent research and complete assignments in their own time.