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Join us as AHO Design grows

With twice as many students, we are looking for skilled and passionate colleagues to join us in shaping our disciplines and inspiring future designers.  

The Ripppling Effect by Manuela Aguirre Ulloa

Manuela Aguirre Ulloa received her PhD degree at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, June 5th 2020. Her thesis looks at how public organizations can build the capacity to co-design public services together with their users, not just for them. With that systemic service design mindset she hopes to bridge the disconnect between those who design and those who are served by public services, as all expertise, knowledge and design abilities are needed. 

AHO is introducing: An excecutive master in Systems Oriented Design

The Oslo School of Architecture and Design is happy to inform you that we are launching an experience-based master’s degree in Systems Oriented Design (SOD) this autumn, which will be a welcomed addition to our further education programme. The deadline to hand in your application is the 16th of May. 

Exhibiting student works and publications from “Oslo Hydropolis”. Professor Sabine Müller is in charge and teaches these studio courses.

Read all about our 2-year International Master of Landscape Architecture

We are close to the application deadline for AHO’s International Master of Landscape Architecture. The team of teachers are looking forward to welcome a new and dedicated group of students in the fall. Eager to engage new applicants, the teachers discuss what is particular for the discipline of landscape architecture and more specifically, what is special about the AHO’s two-year educational master programme in landscape architecture. 
