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Our diploma candidates are ready for the world!

Years of hard work and schooling is over for 24 candidates in architecture, 5 candidates in landscape architecture, 19 in design and 4 Ph.D. candidates.

AHO AWARDS winners, June 2016!

Here's the list of all the prizes, the sponsors, the nomenees and the winners of AHO AWARDS on June 9th. 2016.

More awards to our AHO students!

The lamp In Circles by Malin Engvald & Line Marie Moen Syversen won the First Prize and 30.000 DKK at the Bolia Design Awards 2016.

AHO's award winning Inverted House has opened in Japan

Inverted House was be inaugurated at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo on June 9th. A 108 paged catalogue was also be presented at the event.
