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2023 Vår

61 160 Commons - Place and territories in the north

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Fellesrom - Sted og territorier i nord
Course code: 
61 160
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått alle emner i 1. og 2. semester. Bestått studiodelen av 3. og 4. semester. Gjennomført (dvs. fått godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner 3, 4 og hele 5. semester.

Course content

Sjette semester bygger på kunnskapen og ferdighetene som er opparbeidet i de foregående semestre og særlig i det femte semesteret. I dette sjette semesteret arbeider studentene videre innenfor urbanisme og landskapsarkitektur, men introduseres nå for nordlige og subarktiske geografier og utfordringer.

Introduksjonen til nordlige forhold inkluderer undervisning i forvaltning, forming og planlegging av landskap, kulturer og samfunn samt lokalt forankrete tilnærminger til samfunnsutviklingen.

Kurset ser på hvilke forhold som bidrar til å forme byer, tettsteder og landskap i nord, og hvordan landskapsarkitekturen kan bidra til å utforme en tilnærming til sted som tar hensyn til lokal kontekst og lokale praksiser.

Metodisk er arbeidet forankret i en lesning av urbane landskap der naturen er sterkt tilstede. Studentene vil arbeide innenfor en ramme av bærekraftig stedsutvikling, der også økologiske og sosiale dimensjoner vil bli diskutert og implementert gjennom prosjektarbeidet. Dialog med aktører i lokalsamfunnet vil bidra til forståelsen av stedet.

Kurset vil ha et tett samarbeid med fagene landskapsteori og økologi, hvor forståelse av og begreper om sted, territorier og dynamiske landskap tematiseres og diskuteres som del av en strategisk tilnærming.

Learning outcome


  • Grunnleggende innsikt i og erfaring med metoder og verktøy for landskapsbasert kartlegging, analyse og prosjektutvikling under nordlige forhold.
  • Grunnleggende forståelse av tettsteder og territorier som resultat av økonomiske, politiske og kulturelle krefter.
  • Grunnleggende forståelse av landskapsbeskrivelse som underlag for planleggings- og prosjekteringsprosessen.
  • Grunnleggende forståelse for hvordan landskapsarkitekturen kan arbeide med dynamiske landskapsprosesser og hvordan dette kan syntetiseres inn i en strategisk planleggings- og prosjekteringsprosess.


  • Lese og fortolke urbane nordlige landskap i ulike skalaer.
  • Formulere urbanistiske tilnærminger og metoder som henter viten fra landskapsteoretiske forståelsesmodeller og omsette disse til et landskapsarkitektonisk prosjekt.
  • Kunne fortolke og integrere viten om lokale praksiser i eget prosjektarbeid.
  • Integrere viten om økologiske forhold i utviklingen av landskapsarkitektoniske strategier og prosjekter.
  • Formidle analyser, ideer og prosjekter ved å integrere et mangfold av fortellerteknikker: skriving, tegning, fotografi, modeller osv.
Working and learning activities

Feltarbeid vil inngå i kurset og vil omfatte kartlegging, samtaler og analyser av lokale kontekster i nord.

Fysisk oppmøte.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Excursion
Workload activity:Attendance
Workload activity:Lectures

61 161 Landscape Theory – Reading and interpreting northern landscapes and places

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Landskapsteori - Forståelse og lesning av nordlige landskap og steder
Course code: 
61 161
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Janike Kampevold Larsen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått alle emner i 1. og 2. semester. Bestått studiodelen av 3. og 4. semester. Gjennomført (dvs. fått godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner 3, 4 og hele 5. semester.

Course content

Landskapsteori med vekt på forståelse og lesning av nordlige landskap og steder. Kurset studerer stedsteori og visuelt materiale (kart og fotografier) som representasjon av steder i Nord-Norge.

Aktuelle steder velges før og under studieturen gjennom Nord-Norge, og gjennom resten av semesteret vil kurset diskutere og undervise metoder for å lese og analysere sted.

Videre vil kurset diskutere ulike måter å designe for sted, både med vekt på estetisk uttrykk og som del av en samfunnskontekst. Kurset vil diskutere forskjellene i tilnærming til tettbefolkede og mindre tett befolkede steder. Det vil diskutere design som estetisk form, som deltagende prosesser og som bottom-up strategi.

Videre diskuterer kurset den grunnleggende forskjellen mellom sted, som avgrenset geografisk og befolket område, og site, som en steds-spesifikk kontekst for design-arbeid.

Grunnleggende landskapsteori vil bli supplert med teori fra samfunnsplanlegging og kulturgeografi, og basert på disse vil studentene trenes i å velge metoder for tilnærming til spesifikke sted.

Learning outcome


  • Studenter vil lære hvordan å tilnærme seg, lese og analysere steder og sites.
  • De vil få grunnleggende kunnskap om forskjellene på sted og site.
  • Grunnleggende kunnskap om redskap og metoder for stedsanalyse og site analyse.
  • Grunnleggende forståelse for nordlige steders karakter og særpreg både i naturlig, kulturell og geopolitisk kontekst.


  • Studenter skal kunne skille mellom sted og site, og kunne si hvilke ulike elementer som konstituerer de to.
  • De skal på et grunnleggende nivå være i stand til å nyansere tilnærminger til sted og site, og til å bruke en rekke ulike metoder som transect-walks, intervju-teknikker, og ulike dokumentasjonsmetoder.
  • De skal ha en grunnleggende forståelse av en sensitiv tilnærming til sted.

Generell kompetanse:

  • Evne til, på et høyt faglig nivå, å kunne reflektere over og diskutere nordlige steders særpreg og utfordringer, samt landskapsarkitekturens muligheter til og utfordringer ved å intervenere i disse stedene.
Working and learning activities

Undervisningen foregår som en serie forelesninger, gruppearbeid, felttur og en kombinasjon av muntlige og skriftlige presentasjoner individuelt eller i gruppe.

Fysisk oppmøte

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F

61 162 Ecology for Landscape Architecture - Dynamics and change in ecological societies and systems

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Økologi for landskapsarkitektur – dynamikk og endring i økologiske samfunn og system
Course code: 
61 162
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått alle emner i 1. og 2. semester. Bestått studiodelen av 3. og 4. semester. Gjennomført (dvs. fått godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner 3, 4 og hele 5. semester.

Course content

Emnet gir en grunnleggende innføring i sentrale økologiske konsepter relatert til dynamikk og endring i økologiske samfunn og system. I innføringen legges det vekt på å skille mellom iboende, naturlig dynamikk og endring versus den dynamikk og endring som skyldes eksterne drivere. Sammenhengen mellom økologiske samfunn og deres dynamikk og endring på romlige og temporære skalaer gjennomgås.

Learning outcome


  • Kjennskap til økologiske samfunn og system som dynamiske enheter i tid og rom
  • Kjennskap til hvordan økologiske samfunn og system kan endres og innta ulike stadier
  • Grunnleggende kjennskap til sentrale økologiske konsepter som forklarer dynamikk og endring i økologiske samfunn og system



  • Kunne integrere økologiske konsepter i beskrivelsen av hvordan økologiske samfunn og system er dynamiske og kan endres over tid
  • Kunne gjengi eksempler på naturlig og menneskeskapt dynamikk og endring i nordlige økologiske samfunn og system



  • Kunne anvende økologiske konsepter relatert til dynamikk og endring i økologiske samfunn i både menneskeskapte og naturgitte omgivelser
  • Kunne relatere dynamikk og endring i økologiske samfunn og system til vår tids store utfordringer med klimaendringer og tap av arter
  • Kunne sette enkeltinngrep og arealbruk i sammenheng med vår tids store utfordringer
  • Kunne inspireres av økologiske konsepter og økologisk forståelse i utviklingen av landskapsarkitekturen 


Working and learning activities

Undervisningen foregår som en serie forelesninger, gruppearbeid og presentasjoner individuelt eller i gruppe.



Lenke til leganto

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance

12 803 Diploma Landscape Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom Landskapsarkitektur
Course code: 
12 803
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Hanna Charlotta Dencik Petersson
Required prerequisite knowledge

Successful completion of 90 ECTS, successful completion of a pre-diploma report, approved by an advisor and the head of department.

Course content

The diploma semester at AHO is an independent research and design task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a complete work of exceptional quality contributing to the discipline’s discourse.

Learning outcome

General proficiency

  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that contribute to inform architectural, urban and landscape design work
  • Ability to see the particular approaches and methods of the discipline in relation to society and contemporary landscape situations.


  • Knowledge of the theoretical and policy-related elements pertaining to the field of research and practice within the discipline.
  • A mastery of the methods, tools and media inherent to urban and landscape design
  • An awareness of urban and landscape design’s historical, societal and theoretical background and context


  • An ability to undertake an independent and responsible project development.
  • Ability to conceive of, conceptualize and design a specific project pertaining to a specific situation or problem.
  • An ability to employ the range of knowledge within the discipline in the specific diploma research and design.
  • An ability to communicate design ideas and results to professionals and laypersons
Working and learning activities

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief. Interim presentations and a final presentation is mandatory.

The diploma semester starts of with an information meeting where both administrative and academic staff is present. Main source of information and updates during the semester is Moodle, and as a diploma student you are obligated to familiarize yourself with the AHO's diploma regulations.  The regulations outlines the frame work of the diploma semester, and describes details concerning submission, reviews and assessment. 

A diploma project may be withdrawn from examination by December 1st (Fall semester) and May 1st (Spring semester).

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Required2 mid term reviews
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:2 mid term reviews
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failReport and presentation of diploma project. External censors.
The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Report and presentation of diploma project. External censors.
The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.

60 701 Pre-diploma for urbanism and landscape architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Pre-diplom for urbanisme og landskapsarkitektur
Course code: 
60 701
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Zaccariotto Giambattista
Required prerequisite knowledge

Successful completion of 60 ECTS mastesr level studies. Last Semester before diploma. The course is open to students of architecture and landscape architecture. 


Course content

The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with the course teacher, fellow students and a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma work.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course, the students will have acquired the necessary knowledge to proceed with the independent diploma assignment: ∙ An understanding of the complexity of a chosen urban or landscape site and topic ∙ An ability to frame artistic and scientific research ∙ An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern urban or landscape design work ∙ An awareness of the topic’s historical, societal, theoretical and methodological ramifications ∙ An ability to communicate ideas and plan work ∙ An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline

Working and learning activities

The course is an individual research assignment with group discussions and interim presentations of the different research components. It concludes with a pre-diploma report containing the following elements: - Topic description - Site presentation - Maps of selected issues - Reviews and discussions of relevant literature - Summaries and discussions of interviews with experts - Reference projects presentations and discussions

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Not requiredPresentation of exercises in the group, individual supervision
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Presentation of exercises in the group, individual supervision
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Written assignments
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Written assignments

Start semester

40 422 Photography and Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Photography and Architecture
Course code: 
40 422
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course responsible: Maria Fernanda Jaua

Course content

Urban space and architecture have been one of the main themes of photography since the origins of this discipline. And it is through images, mainly photographs, that we know and study the architectural works of the past and today. Throughout the 20th century, photography became an instrument in the different stages of architectural processes: an essential tool for design, dissemination, documentation, theory, criticism, etc.

This course will study the relationship between photography and architecture through some of its most relevant chapters: the rules established by the first architectural photographers; the essential role of photographic images in the production and diffusion of mid-century modernism; its later role in criticism during the last decades of the century; and the meanings of the digital image in the contemporary architectural world. The study will emphasize the work of photographers and their relationship with architects, as well as the meaning of photographs in architectural publications: magazines, books, manifestos, etc.

Learning outcome

• Understanding the relevance of photography in the production and knowledge of architecture.
• Knowing the various intersections between both disciplines.
• Exploring specific topics and cases in detail.
• Analysing the new roles, meanings and media in contemporary architectural photography.

Working and learning activities

The course will include lectures and seminars. The lectures will address the general themes of architectural photography. During the seminars we will approach specific topics that will be analysed and discussed by students in groups.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failThe course will be assessed through group presentations and individual essays.

Each group of students will present a case study previously assigned and developed throughout the course. Each student will choose a topic for an individual written essay to be submitted at the end of the course.

Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The course will be assessed through group presentations and individual essays.

Each group of students will present a case study previously assigned and developed throughout the course. Each student will choose a topic for an individual written essay to be submitted at the end of the course.

Workload activityComment
AttendanceStudents are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Students are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.

40 421 Daylight and Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Daylight and Architecture
Course code: 
40 421
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Kathrine Næss
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course content

Often taken for granted, our everyday access to daylight is closely connected to our health and well being. Our rituals during the day is tightly connected to daylight, not only a minimum percentage of daylight, but to the subtle changes in light during a day that is tightly related to climate and geographical position.

This seminar course explores the relationship between daylight and architecture. We will introduce daylight from both a phenomenological and a natural science perspective through lectures and seminars, reference studies and hands-on explorations in models in a daylight-laboratory.

The aim of the seminar is to explore possible ways of using daylight in the design of architectural spaces: —this spring more specifically in housing projects. The students will investigate how daylight works with the geometry and proportions of a space and with the openings in the façade. The seminar works with daylight in relation to climate conditions and geographical positions.

The effect of the light on the room also depends on whether it is illuminated with only skylight or also sunlight. At our latitudes, the room is illuminated 2/3 of the time with diffuse sky light from cloudy skies, something we must keep in mind when we design architecture in the Nordic countries.

Learning outcome

— Develop an understanding of the relationship between architecture and daylight
— Demonstrate knowledge of the effect of daylight in architecture and how architecture shapes light
— Better understanding of the qualities of daylight
— Understand and work with the difference of quantity and experienced daylight. 

— Tools to evaluate the quality of daylight
— A vocabulary for working with daylight and architecture.

General competence:
— Understand and explore the possibilities of daylight in housing projects.

Working and learning activities

The course is organized in lectures, seminars, and assignments.You will work individually and in groups.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failThe basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Workload activityComment
AttendanceStudents are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Students are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.

12 802 Diploma Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom design
Course code: 
12 802
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Rachel Troye
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed pre-diploma and 270 ECTS in total.

Course content

The diploma at the Institute of Design is the final project in the Master programme. The Institute takes a broad approach to the design profession that includes products, services, systems and interactive experiences. The education brings together aesthetics and technology, creativity and design methods, culture and research. The programme has roots in Industrial Design, but today also includes Interaction Design, Service Design and Systems Oriented Design. This is reflected in the width of our students’ diplomas, and the broad range of themes that they address.

The diploma concludes our five-year Master in design and is done in the final semester. The diploma is a self-initiated and self-organised project that takes place over 18 weeks. The students develop and define their own project-descriptions (the diploma programme) in a pre-diploma’ course, in the semester leading up to the diploma. During the diploma project the students have a main supervisor at the Institute, but can also seek additional input and guidance form across AHO and externally. Diplomas are typically done as individual projects, but can also be done in groups.

The diplomas at the Institute of Design are characterised by variety and breadth. The diploma projects are typically initiated and developed by the students, and they are free to explore different themes and formats. These can be creative explorations, product development and theoretical projects, or collaborations with commercial companies, public services or researchprojects. Diplomas can also be discursive design projects that seek to raise questions or challenge societal or cultural issues. Often our diplomas are ‘hybrids’ that bring together different methods and actors, or span across our different design specialisations.

The purpose of the diploma is multi-layered. The students have to bring together what they have learned throughout their education to define and develop their own project. A challenge here is how the project is followed through, how it is developed and how it is executed as a design project. In the scope of the Master, the diploma is a relatively large project that demands that the student is self-driven, organised, structured and creative. At the same time, the diploma is a possibility for the student to explore his or her own identity as a designer, to research topics she or he finds interesting, or to challenge the students acquired skills and methods. The diplomas should therefore be understood holistically as projects where the students get to choose their own themes, approaches and processes, but where the challenge is also about organising and developing the project itself. Defining and developing the scope and plan for the project is done both in the project-description (diploma programme), as well as throughout the process.

It is important to note that in doing a holistic evaluation of the diplomas, the focus should be on the project itself rather than how closely it follows the initial description or diplomaprogramme.

Learning outcome


By completing a diploma the students base of knowledge will be about:

-design methods, materials, technologies and tools

-design history in related field

-research methods, design processes

-use of users and targets groups in projects


-be able to develop design solutions through artistic and scientific research, concept visualization, co-working and finalizing a project.

-master design-driven methods, tools and ways of expression, and be able to use this in a creative process, in a goal-oriented, professional and experimenting way.

-be able to reflect on the relationship between content and the project and the wider world.

-be able to communicate both process and end result in a good way.


-be able to communicate values and concepts and inspire dialog and interdisciplinary processes through a wide range of design methods and tools.

-be able to perform a set of professional roles and cooperate well with other occupational groups.

-be able to reflect on own performance and deliveries and stretch beyond own limits.

-take responsibility for own learning and academic progression, be able to transfer knowledge into other fields.

- be considerate on own contribution and ethical questions at hand.



The students deliver their diplomas in the form of their collected outputs, a presentation and a report. The outputs can be a variety of formats; models, prototypes, installations, diagrams, visualisations, mappings etc. The diploma report should give an overview of the project, the process, the possible outcomes (impacts) and the student’s reflections. The report should not be evaluated on its own, but as giving an overview of the project. The students also deliver a 20-minute public presentation of their diploma on the day of the evaluation. The sensors shall evaluate the compete diploma project delivery consisting of the students collected outputs, their report and public presentation.

Evaluation process
The evaluation of the diplomas are done by an external team of sensors. This sensor-team represents the different design-directions that the students can specialise towards. All the sensors are responsible for the overall evaluation of all diplomas, but each sensor is given particular responsibility for a selection of diplomas. The sensor team is first given the diploma reports digitally. These report should give an overview of the diplomas. The reports should be read by the sensors in preparation for the evaluation at AHO. The physical outcomes of the projects is presented to the sensors at AHO. On the day of the diploma-presentations each student is given 20 minutes to present their diploma. The sensor-team then have a total of 15 minutes for questions, discussion and feedback. These 15 minutes should also include a brief summary of the sensors evaluation and overall feedback. This is a public event for the whole of the school and the intentions for this presentation-format is to facilitate dynamic discussions about the diplomas and interesting responses, as well as a learning situation for other students The sensor-team’s final evaluation is given as a written report for each project. This is delivered some time after the public presentation day.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failIn evaluating a diploma, the aim is to consider how the diploma has been developed as a project; including both its thematics, its processes, its outcomes and its reflections. The diplomas should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project.

The delivery consists of: Diploma report, models - if that is part of the project, exhibition, public presentation.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:In evaluating a diploma, the aim is to consider how the diploma has been developed as a project; including both its thematics, its processes, its outcomes and its reflections. The diplomas should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project.

The delivery consists of: Diploma report, models - if that is part of the project, exhibition, public presentation.

Start semester

70 407 Ideation and Drawing Techniques in Product Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Ideation and Drawing Techniques in Product Design
Course code: 
70 407
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Stein Rokseth
Harald Skulberg
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level coures (BA-level) at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS. The course is open for all programmes at AHO.

Course content

The couse focuses on ideation and drawing techniques through a design process. We will work with comprising ideation, conceptualization through drawing techniques, mock-up techniques, visualization through product sketches, oral and visual client presentation.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: Experience from a design process with emphasis on ideation, visualization through product sketching, mock-up model making, oral and visual client presentation.

Skills: Basic skills in design process comprising; ideation, conceptualization through drawing techniques, mock-up techniques, aesthetic assessment, visualization, oral presentation, and final exhibition design. Oral and visual client presentation.

General competence: Design methods, three-dimensional form and aesthetics.

Working and learning activities

The course is organized around lectures, discussion groups, individual tutoring, individual work and a final delivery.



Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failThe following elements will count in the assesment:
Process, final deliveries as specified, oral and visual presentation, and final exhibition.

Required delivery:
For exhibition:
- 2 posters in A2 format (portrait format) containing:
- Descriptive concept name
- Sketches that describe the concept idea and new functionality
- Visualization of the product in use
- 1 physical mock-up model that conveys the new functionality
- Oral presentation with arguments for the product concept

Delivery of course documentation on Moodle:
- 1 photo of your exhibition stand
- 1 photo of poster A
- 1 photo of poster B
- 1 image of mock-up (s)

Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The following elements will count in the assesment:
Process, final deliveries as specified, oral and visual presentation, and final exhibition.

Required delivery:
For exhibition:
- 2 posters in A2 format (portrait format) containing:
- Descriptive concept name
- Sketches that describe the concept idea and new functionality
- Visualization of the product in use
- 1 physical mock-up model that conveys the new functionality
- Oral presentation with arguments for the product concept

Delivery of course documentation on Moodle:
- 1 photo of your exhibition stand
- 1 photo of poster A
- 1 photo of poster B
- 1 image of mock-up (s)

60 619 All you can store

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
All you can store
Course code: 
60 619
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Sabine Muller
Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bachelor in Architecture or Landscape Architecture

CAD 2D and 3D (Rhino), Adobe Suite, hand drawing, analogue model making experience and interest in urbanism and landscape “materials” such as landform, water, soil, plants

Mandatory for 2nd semester Landscape Master students, open to Architecture Master students.

GIS, digital model fabrication

Course content

„All you can store!“ takes the infrastructural back-end of urbanism –the storage of goods and water–  to the fore and actively explores its potential spatiality and sociality.

As a part of „Oslo Hydropolis“ the studio explores landscape-based, water-sensitive urbanism within the Oslo Metropolitan Region. In face of climate change with its increasing risks of draught and flooding, and continuing urbanisation pressure, the studio proposes a complementary approach to the current paradigm of compact city development –with all its blinds spots such as the relocation of production and storage into areas „out of sight“. It engages the functional requirements of adaptation to changing environmental conditions as much as spatial aesthetics and possible everyday practices.

Concretely, the studio will develop a cross-scalar landscape framework as the basis for development. It will re-consider one of the „out of sight“ locations in current urban debate and propose a counter-proposal to current plans for a logistical park close to Oslo’s airport. The studio accepts the need of large scale storage and will propose concepts of how to embed the programme into the wider landscape context, as well concepts to spatially qualify the emerging structures for both non-human and human usage - if not pleasure.

The conviction of the studio is that here –in a context of large scale layout and buildings, where planning and architecture often fails to pronounce spatial and environmental values– the scope, the frame, the dimensions, the performance, the materials and atmospheres inherent to landscape architecture can provide a long term transformative perspective to urban development.

The methodology of the studio is based on merging planning and design, on oscillating between bird’s eye and eye-level view, as well as on digital and analogue tools.

Learning outcome

The studio will provide students with the conceptual categories to address adaptation to climate change in an urbanising regional context through a landscape architectural perspective. The studio will enter design through the scales of hydrology, and enforce the understanding of landscape as infrastructure as well as a mode of perception. Form will be discussed in relation to performance as well as to space and place.

•   Acquaintance of notions of watershed and integrated water management Acquaintance of cultural landscape as a spatial product of geological and climatic forces as well as cultural, political and economical interests and practices layered in time

•   Basic knowledge of landscape as a productive, performative layer in human systems: ecological infrastructure, ecosystem services, and regenerative agriculture

Advanced knowledge of form and urban form: application of landscape ecology’s structural concepts to shape spaces and places; landscape pattern 

Students develop skills to envision urban projects as embedded within cultural landscapes with the goal to ensure adaptability to climate change. Research-driven, multi-layered and multi-scalar in its scope, the studio builds the capacity to conduct a layered and visual analysis of the territorial/ regional context, the ability to reference precedents, to fuse technical and aesthetic aspects of form giving, and finally to frame and argue for a well-resolved design proposal anchored within the scale of the territory.

  • Research: Capacity to select and sort, and evaluate data from greater information quantities; ability to conduct precedent analysis and transfer
  • Analysis: ability to carry out landscape analysis based on map work (GIS and morphological analysis) and field work (photography)
  • Strategy: capability to develop scenarios for a watershed, development of propositions related to water flows and cycles for concrete case areas
  • Iterative design process: trial and error to find adequate solutions, successive and interrogative usage of drawings, plans, sections, physical and digital models, as well as texts variants, to test and develop proposals, in favour for “unsafe” experimental approaches
  • Interrogative design: explicit discussion of a formal question, such as grids, patches, edges, corridors or figures organizing a spatial field
  • Design resolution: ability to work out a territorial approach on a detailed level, including grading, planting, surface textures
  • Representation: capability to illustrate design through compelling plans, sections, as well as digital and physical models and model photography
  • Communication: problem definition, framing of a task within the given context of the studio; skill to verbally and visually argue for a project through telling of a compelling narrative

General competence:
The studio’s underlying thesis will encourage the rethinking of urban and environmental challenges as opportunities to develop place-specific and social spaces for the future. The studio’s main competence goal is to equip students with the ability to to frame their projects in a larger socially and environmentally relevant context, state ideas, translate these into form, and to apply theoretical and technical background in project work, as well as to use the project as an investigative vehicle to address professional and disciplinary questions. Both individual and group work will be trained.

Working and learning activities

Group work (2-3 students) and individual work is organised around 5 phases.

The phases will be supported by input lectures to facilitate familiarization with discourse and workshops to kick-off design.

1. SEARCH 1:1 / 1:50.000/ 1:7500 – Portrait of a Landscape. What is the character of the landscape? How has it evolved? What are its strengths? Where are its vulnerabilities?

  • „Journalistic" Research
  • Morphological Analysis GIS, CAD Plan 1:50.000 - 1:7500
  • Documentary Site Photography
  • Tracing of landform, water structure and landuse pattern, hand drawing
  • Writing of a story  

2. SCENARIO 1:7500 /1:1000 – Development of a Landscape Framework for a logistic park along different scenarios regarding the degree of transformation and political ambition.

  • “Transplant” of large scale landscape architectures and agricultural principles of water storage onto the site, „scenario plan" drawing
  • Laser-cut “Paper lace" of Landscape Framework
  • Physical sketch model with topography, vegetation as mass and void

3. SCENE 1: Eye-level / 1: 100 – Development of the spatial and material qualities of the Landscape Framework through a „Scene“

  • Scenographic model photography of a spatial scene with vegetation, ground and water at eye-level
  • Detail plan and section of the Landscape Framework


4. SYNTHESIS 1:7500 / 1:2000, 1:1000/ 1:500, 1:100/1:50, 1:20 – Elaboration of a detail area of landscape framework as a landscape and architectural proposal with a focus on the public space

  • Iteration of „scenario plan"
  • Digitally fabricated physical model
  • Section, plan of selected space

5. SPREAD the message – Visualization and “telling” the proposals to communicate to a broader audience.

  • Oral and visual presentation of project
  • Curation and production of an exhibition (AHO works)
  • Production of a studio booklet that can serve to advance the imaginary on the Oslo Region as a „Hydropolis“

The studio will travel to Barcelona and environments to study public space typologies in urban and rural contexts. Transport, accommodation, and food will be on the expense of students. Those who cannot/do not wish to join the trip will study comparable typologies in Oslo.


Link to course literature  will be registered in Leganto

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentGroupPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
