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2023 Vår

80 404 Drawing: Hand Drawing as Explorative Medium in Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Drawing: Hand Drawing as Explorative Medium in Architecture
Course code: 
80 404
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Carsten Oeding Loly
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Course responsible: To be announced

Course content

The course: 

  • addresses the capability of the student of architecture to think with and through drawing by hand. 
  • is practice-based  
  • sets out from the particular ´wants` and ´needs` of the participating student. 
  • encourages exploration and development of strategies for personal meaning making by drawing. 

The course contains three main components: 

Individual study: 

  • The participants choose a subject to pursue through the period of the course.  
  • The subject to investigate and explore can be related to ongoing or earlier studio-courses, but this is not a requirement.  
  • Notes on intentions and reflections over past work in the course will accompany the practical work serving to clarify guidelines and the revision of these. 

Individual exercises:

  • Intend to invigorate foundational skills and knowledge and introduce new ones. These exercises draw upon analytical and intuitive approaches familiar to art and architecture. 
  • Keywords: Materiality, gesture, composition and expression, formal analysis.  
  • The exercises take place at the early stages and come to a halt approximately after one-third of the course period. 

Plenary talks & discussions 

Learning outcome
  • Knowledge:

Enhanced capabilities and awareness of hand drawing´s potential as a personal medium for speculation and ideation in architecture.

  • Skills:

Encourages students to develope skills and practical know-how that are informed by the students´ personal ´wants` and ´needs` and adapted to the individual student´s particular workflow.

  • General competence:

Develop the capability to think with and through drawing by hand.
Develop the awareness of drawing as a medium and an approach for personal meaning making.

Working and learning activities
  • Excercises
  • In-depth study on individually selected topic/theme.
  • Talks and subsequent discussions intend to cover best practice within architecture and art.
  • Individual tutoring, group- and plenary discussions
  • Intermediate presentations 
  • Final presentation with external examiner

Being practice-based and grounded on the individual needs of the students, literature concerning foundational and technical aspects of drawing and essays and articles concerning best practice within art and architecture is developed during the course.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failFinal presentation with external examiner.

Requirements to pass
80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week. 

Presence is required at all presentations - intermediate and final.

Digital hand-in of selected work from the course-period
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Final presentation with external examiner.

Requirements to pass
80% presence on entire course is required to pass. In order to ensure sufficient progression, close collaboration with peer students and teacher in general requires presence from 9am to 4 pm throughout Tuesdays and the elective course week. 

Presence is required at all presentations - intermediate and final.

Digital hand-in of selected work from the course-period

12 701 Diploma Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom arkitektur
Course code: 
12 701
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 300 ECTS including 12 400 Pre-diploma (6 ECTS).

Course content

The diploma semester (18 weeks) is an architectural study on a theme chosen by the candidate. Program for the diploma has been prepared by the student in the pre-diploma course (6 credits).

Each student has one main appointed supervisor from AHO´s academic staff. In addition, the student can make use of the entire academic staff at AHO, and have the possibility to consult special expertise from outside of AHO, which is supported by the school by a limited amount.

Learning outcome


  • To make use of relevant knowledge in the production of an architectural project: architectural discourse, relevant project references, theory, history, technology etc.
  • To develop and complete a project within the framework stated in the program


  • To produce a diploma work with high architectural, artistic and/or theoretical qualities
  • To use relevant methods to develop and present the diploma work
  • To show professionality in craftmanship and presentation
  • To define the degree of complexity in the project, and be able to consider the type and depth of work accordingly

General competence

  • To be able to convey and discuss the content of the diploma work to an audience of architects with no special competence in the subject of the actual diploma.
  • To be able to reflect on the project´s relation to a wider architectural and societal context
Working and learning activities

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief.

The diploma semester starts off with an information meeting where both administrative and academic staff is present. Main source of information and updates during the semester is Moodle, and as a diploma student you are obligated to familiarize yourself with the AHO's diploma regulations.  The regulations outlines the frame work of the diploma semester, and describes details concerning submission, reviews and assessment. 

A diploma project may be withdrawn from examination by December 1st (Fall semester) and May 1st (Spring semester). Before the withdrawal date, AHO organizes an extra review of underdeveloped projects in risk of failing. A team of teachers, including the supervisors, will give a clear recommendation to these students on whether to withdraw or deliver.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / failThe diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.

Start semester

60 621 The extended Museum

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
The extended Museum
Course code: 
60 621
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Gro Bonesmo
Halvor Weider Ellefsen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Architecture = City

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Course content

The studio is a collaboration with Haugar Art Museum in Tønsberg to develop proposals for a new addition to the museum, and to strengthen its position as an art institution in Tønsberg and Norway. The museum is situated on a hill in the historical center of Tønsberg and located in a prized building by Bjercke & Eliassen from 1921. Based on an analysis of the museum building, park and surrounding urban context, the studio will develop proposals for expanding the museum’s public facilities through a physical extension to the existing building, and through spatial strategies for strengthening the museum’s position in the city.

The studio explores the transformation of historical buildings through architectural extensions, and discusses how urban architecture, in the form of an art institution in a mid-sized Norwegian town, can be a catalyst for urban development and integration.

Learning outcome


  • Knowledge of museum extension approaches, designs and techniques, in context of “public interiors” and typology.
  • Learning how to articulate multiple design scenarios and selecting specific design approaches within a realistic framework in dialogue with stakeholders
  • Knowledge technical and conservation-related building design challenges through a concrete case study.
  • Knowledge of how architectural designs can be utilized as a strategic tool in urban transformation processes


  • Design skills related to transformation, extension, and conservation.
  • Analytical skills related to architectural and urban mapping and analysis
  • Discourse skills related to addressing urban transformation, development, and architectural performance.

General competence:

  • Commitment
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Development/ Synthesis of Concept
  • Design Skills
  • Verbal Communication
  • Graphic Presentation
  • Application of Technologies
Working and learning activities

The course is organized in several modules, from building analysis, urban analysis, concept development, project development and dissemination with individual hand ins for each module. Projects are developed individually or in pairs. The course has studio days where presence is expected, focused on presentations and dialogue.

There will be a study trip to Basel in Switzerland or another European city, as well as smaller excursions to survey museum extensions locally.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
ExcursionThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

40 663 Architecture Design Lab: Spaces of Commons

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Architecture Design Lab: Spaces of Commons
Course code: 
40 663
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Lone Sjøli
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Course content

The ecological crisis is only one of the results of a global systemic crisis: uneven global and local development, increasing inequalities and living conditions, displacement and migration. There is a necessity for a broad understanding of the complex economic, political, social, and environmental forces that influence urban and rural development and transformation today, as well as an urgent need for holistic, interdisciplinary and experimental approaches to address these challenges and opportunities in urban planning and architecture.

The point of departure of the Architecture and Design Laboratory is to understand architecture and the city as a dynamic system and the design process as a field of research. The aim is to develop alternative strategies and ways to operate and catalyse change within global transformations affecting urban and rural areas today.

The studio will explore in the spring 2023 the notion of Commons – spaces and resources that are “held in common”. The commons have traditionally been defined in terms of forests, water, the atmosphere, fisheries or grazing land – resources that are shared, used and enjoyed by “all” or a collective. Today, the “commons” is also understood as cultural resources – information, literature, music, arts, design, film, radio, software and sites of heritage. For centuries there have been struggles over what is to be defined and practiced as “commons” and what is to become private or public property. Currently such struggles can be seen over natural and digital resources but also over urban spaces manifested in movements around community gardens, sharing of land, alternative forms of ownership and co-creation of spaces.

The aim is: to reflect, understand and design spaces in relation to the current climate crisis.

Programme: Space of Commons
The students will work individually and in groups, developing proposals for a Space of Commons: Infrastructure / Park / Buildings.
Considering spaces of social interaction for and from the community, aiming to create alternatives for a common multi-species ground in the city, towards a socio-ecological future.

Site: We will explore a site in-between: Water and Land // Global and Local // Seoul and Oslo

The semester is organized in three parts where projects are developed with the following progression:

A Research/ mapping
B Scenarios, strategies and programme
C Spatial resolutions/ interventions/ projects

Learning outcome


  • Architectural design in relation to specific site conditions
  • Architecture and infrastructure
  • Critical and conceptual architectural thinking


  • Architecture representation
  • Material and structural knowledge
  • Development of framework, programme and propositions
Working and learning activities

In general, the work will be structured in a sequence of studio design work, workshops, seminars, and lectures evolving around the theme of Commons, Socio-Ecology, Biodiversity. It involves design-based projects and seminars that structure theoretical and practical basis of the course.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failThe basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Workload activityComment
AttendanceParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
ExcursionThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

40 662 Building in Landscape

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Building in Landscape
Course code: 
40 662
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Beate Hølmebakk
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: TAP - The Architectural Project

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course content

The assignment for the spring 2023 semester will be to design a building and its surroundings in a specific natural environment. The building program and the site will be provided by the Norwegian Scenic Routes. 

The studio will be run in collaboration with the Norwegian Scenic Routes. The form of collaboration is to be decided.

Learning outcome


  • Architectural design in relationship to a specific landscape
  • Architecture and infrastructure
  • The Norwegian Scenic Routes projects


  • Architectural conceptualization
  • Architectural argumentation
  • Architectural detailing
  • Architectural representation

General competence:

  • Design methodology
  • Definition of design criteria
  • Curation of architectural proposal
Working and learning activities

The students are expected to do individual projects. The design process will be divided into distinct phases from idea to detailed project. Each phase will be reviewed collectively.

Teaching program:

  • Monday text-discussions and lectures
  • Wednesday individual critiques
  • Friday pin-ups
  • Reviews

The studio is expected to do a study trip to Scenic Route-projects in Norway.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
ExcursionThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

40 658 RA4 - Circumstantial structures/constructed circumstances

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
RA4 - Circumstantial structures/constructed circumstances
Course code: 
40 658
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Anderson
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Radical Architecture

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course content

Through architectural projects, Studio Positions continues to critically discuss and investigate how architecture reflects on, contributes to, and provides for dwelling in our contemporary diverse society.

Contemporary societal discussions, directions in art, philosophy, sociology and ecology, and architectural discourses provide the framework for architectural projects that are developed individually or in collaboration, with emphasis on the three fundamental aspects of architecture – structure, material, and space.

Projects will investigate architectural (structural, material, spatial) responses to identified circumstances, either situated in or inspired by specific places in Oslo. Projects will discuss the social and cultural challenges that mark our time, and reflect on how these challenges have influenced our relationship to architectural space and how we interact with it.

Each student will develop an individual architectural program throughout the semester through works and words.

Through both a sensuous and technical approach to the task, students will investigate a personal architectural interest and engage deeply with a chosen theme, both intellectually and formally, through their architectural project.

The studio aims at investigating new and fundamental approaches to architecture that facilitate more livable (sustainable) futures – concerned not only with how architecture is made, but also the presence of architecture and the aesthetic experience it produces.

The work is integrated with Studio Positions’ ongoing Erasmus+ teaching collaboration – EUROPE IN TRANSITION.

Learning outcome


  • practice knowledge through case studies,
  • practice knowledge through architectural design (semester project), and
  • material and structural knowledge.


  • work based, artisticand theoretical research skills, and
  • conceptual architectural thinking.

General competence:

  • critical thinking, and
  • ability to develop an argument through an architectural project and written reflection.
Working and learning activities

The semester is organized in four phases, where projects are developed continuously with the following progression:

  • Development of an architectural concept
  • The social: Introduction of scale, materiality, structure, and activity.
  • The general and the specific: Spatial and constructive principles
  • An architectural project


discussions, lectures, workshops, group readings, film screenings, reviews


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.

Start semester

40 659 Re:Source Pavilion II (Timber Studio)

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Re:Source Pavilion II (Timber Studio)
Course code: 
40 659
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Ute Christina Groba
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Timber Studio

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course content

For many, the pavilion is a contested building task. As its function tends to be limited and its construction less durable, the pavilion may be criticised for its use of resources. However, it may also be a testbed for new architectural ideas and for solutions that are not (yet) possible in commercial contexts; it may explore potential future building techniques or resource applications; it may exhibit these to both the professional world and to the broader public; and it may create new professional networks. Furthermore, both the building material sourcing and scenarios for subsequent uses may be active and conscious part of the conceptualization and design of the pavilion.

This course is a continuation of fall 22 semester’s course “Re:Source Pavilion”, but can be taken independent of previous participation.The first course established and tested principles to re-use wooden construction materials in a number of design proposals, their iterations and 1:1-mock-ups. During the upcoming spring semester, one of the designs will be collaboratively advanced further for being built and exhibited parallel to the World Conference on Timber Architecture 2023 in Oslo.The pavilion’s demountability and reassembly for reuse in a different context will be part of the task.

Special focus is directed towards the implication of “disregarded” wooden materials for architectural design and constructive solutions. “Disregarded” wooden materials include cut-offs and cut-outs, materials found on waste sorting plants, pre-used materials from buildings soon-to-be demolished or erroneous deliveries. Specifically, the focus is on joining smaller members or members of varying sizes to larger load-bearing elements or to indoor and outdoor planes and surfaces.

Learning outcome


  • about timber properties and how they impact design, construction and detailing
  • about state-of-the-art timber techniques as tested and displayed in international timber pavilions
  • about timber construction systems and details


  • Use of physical models, sketches, drawings and 3d-programs
  • Communicate with engineers, producers, and develop solutions together

General competence:

  • Coherence of general architectural ambition, concept, material choices, design, construction, details
  • Collaboration with student teammates and consultants in various constellations
Working and learning activities

Group work in various and varying constellations, project supervision, lectures, workshops (some at the construction hall, somewith a special focus for supervision), excursion, smaller tasks along the project task (such as an exploratory exercise, analysis of precedent projects, lecture report).

Excursion: This is not decided yet, but we are discussing the option to travel to Japan.



Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required RequiredIt is mandatory to attend and meet the requirements of midterm and final review.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:It is mandatory to attend and meet the requirements of midterm and final review.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / failThe final grade will be set on the basis of:
-interim presentations and models
-documentation and presentation of the process and the final result
-built pavilion as a group result
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The final grade will be set on the basis of:
-interim presentations and models
-documentation and presentation of the process and the final result
-built pavilion as a group result
Workload activityComment
AttendanceActive participation in lectures, workshops, group meetings and desk crits are expected, as well as the steady development of the project with regular supervision meetings.
ExcursionThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Active participation in lectures, workshops, group meetings and desk crits are expected, as well as the steady development of the project with regular supervision meetings.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

40 660 Re-store: Petroleum

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Re-store: Petroleum
Course code: 
40 660
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Re-store

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course content

This studio builds upon the assumption that Norwegian petroleum production will be phased out in the near future. This gigantic industry will leave behind an enormous amount of structures, counting offshore installations like oil-rigs, housing-rigs, sub-sea installations and infrastructure, as well as land-based building structures, urban areas and industrial landscapes. The studio aims to answer how we can reuse these remains in a meaningful way, how we determine their heritage value, and how they can form the basis for new forms of architecture. Being the main factor for national wealth and a monument of the 20th century, carrying both symbolic and social value, this industry deserves meaningful memorials.

Learning outcome


Students will be familiarized with the history and current operation of petroleum production, the history and theory of preservation, and on the current practice of preservation, reuse and transformation. 


Methods and skills required to work within the discipline of preservation, reuse and transformation: archival work, survey, value assesement i.a.

General competence:

The students will be encouraged to take a critical and experimental approach towards the discipline  

Working and learning activities

The students will be given existing structures as points of departure and asked to map the many different types and conditions, they will do research on their material histories, qualities, values and potential for reuse, and develop an architectural project based on the findings. Petroleum and its many bi-products will be examined as potential material for new forms. The studio is project-based including desk-crits, reviews, a lecture series, reading seminars and excursions (possibly Stavanger and the North Sea). There will be a strong link to the architectural practice.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
ExcursionThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

40 661 Subject Matter: Metals

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Subject Matter: Metals
Course code: 
40 661
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Thomas McQuillan
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Course content

Transition (transformation) is the dominant metaphor of our time.  

We extract raw materials from the world into order to build, transforming them. These processes are sometime quite complex and involve the participation of various industries. Even though we sometimes speak of natural materials, almost everything that is used in architecture is manufactured. Throughout the history of architecture, the materials of construction have guided the development of spatial form.  

At the cusp of the anthropocene, we have begun to think differently about how materials are extracted and refined, and how they might repurposed in the future.  With the growth of the idea of circularity and reuse, buildings can be seen as a ‘pause’ in the circulation of materials from the sites of their extraction to further future use whose conditions are unknown. As allied with the Provenenance Projected project, this studio will study the origins of materials and their potential use as poetic markers of our time.  

The course will consist of two parts. The first is a detailed research into a metal or metals, with the goal of more fully understanding how metals are produced, how they are fabricated, and how they have been used in architecture. 

The second part will be to design a building that is beautiful and useful. Students will be asked to develop a personal stance with regard to the project. Design projects should strive for simplicity and elegance, while reflecting intelligently on our place in history.  

Learning outcome


  • Knowledge of how a particular material comes about 
  • Knowledge of the historical uses of a particular material 
  • Knowledge of the environmental impact of a particular material 


  • The ability to conduct research 
  • The ability to work with a particular material 
  • The ability to design with and specify a particular material

General competence 

  • Competence in presenting ideas in word, image and artifact 
Working and learning activities

The course is organized as collaborative studio in which student participation is essential. A weekly schedule includes lectures, tutorials and plenum discussions. 


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required RequiredStudents are required to attend tutorials and plenum discussions no less than 80%. Attendance at reviews (3 per semester) is mandatory.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:Students are required to attend tutorials and plenum discussions no less than 80%. Attendance at reviews (3 per semester) is mandatory.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
ExcursionThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

40 323 Lightweight Architecture: Towards a New Material Paradigm

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Lightweight Architecture: Towards a New Material Paradigm
Course code: 
40 323
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Lina Elisabeth Broström
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Course content

This seminar will examine the process of building- what we build with as well as how we build - we will explore how we can design with responsibility towards the environment by rethinking the way we build today. In the course students will develop an individual manifesto stating a point of view.

The predominant model for sourcing materials relies heavily on finite resources - in a time of rising prices on common building materials as well as extensive extraction, more alternatives are key. New materials can enter the building market if we increase our knowledge, through means of prefabrication, updated material cultures and regulations. We will discuss the role of the industry and the architect as a key player in this development, with its capacity to scale-up and introduce alternatives.

Take for instance wood and its journey from a traditional building material to a fully industrialized product with efficient production and prefabrication techniques. This course will reverse-read this journey and speculate on how it can be applied to other materials. We will discuss ways to re-introduce forgotten techniques of building with clay, hemp and straw among others. 

This seminar will go beyond the surface and provide knowledge on how we can take responsibility for the materials before, during and after their assembly, as well as how we can become active agents and initiate a more dynamic way of building.

Learning outcome


  • Awareness of the complexity of a building’s life cycle, how it can be built, maintained and disassembled.
  • Knowledge of material properties: physical, mechanical and aesthetic. 
  • Knowledge of building culture and local industry practice. 


  • Articulation of tactics regarding chosen materials in a work of architecture.

General competence:

  • Demonstrate practices that can be implemented in new and innovative ways.
Working and learning activities

This seminar is organized around hands-on material investigations and analytical drawing in context to critical readings. Throughout the course, students will explore the potential of responsible materials and their role in today's practice. We will use historical and contemporary precedents to learn from traditional building techniques and material science.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failThe basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Workload activityComment
AttendanceStudents are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Students are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.
