Successful completion of 60 credits. Last semester before diploma. Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign is recommended, as well as CAD and GIS.
The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with the course teacher, fellow students and a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma work.
The course is an individual research assignment with periodical supervision and one interim presentation of the different research components. It concludes with a pre-diploma report in an A4 format containing the following elements:
In addition to these required elements, the pre-diploma report includes a cover page, an identification page and a table of content. It can also include pictures, diagrams, timelines, historical records and any other element that supports the research question.
The pre-diploma report should be contained within 35 pages (not including cover, identification, table of content or other title pages).
A detailed schedule for the pre-diploma course will be provided at the start of the semester.
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