fbpx 2024 Høst | Page 4 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


2024 Høst

Start semester

40 562 ACDL; Innovation HQ

Full course name in English: 
ACDL; Innovation HQ
40 562
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Søren S. Sørensen

Preliminary skills in computational design is advised.

Om emnet

The ACDL studio is part of a series running since 2014, placing a strong emphasis on computational tools as part of the design process and communication of ideas. The studio is research and practice based, with an experimental approach to environmentally-conscious architectural design, design processes and methodologies. Through a series of engaging lectures students will delve into the intersection of computation and architecture to develop innovative design solutions for the built environment. Artificial intelligence in concept development will be investigated and included in critical discussions.


The project assignment:

Design a cutting-edge Headquarters (HQ) building that establishes a strong presence within the cityscape. The project should  integrate sustainable principles, new materials, and technology in a suitable and innovative manner.

The HQ building should feature a spacious entrance lobby open towards the public ground. The office spaces should be designed with flexible layouts to accommodate evolving work styles and technological advancements and promote collaboration and innovation. Aim to create diverse workspaces, with a focus on healthy, environmentally friendly work environments.

The building must be accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities,

by incorporating universal design principles.

The program should also integrate shared or rentable areas for mixed-use purposes. Ensure the building accommodates future office needs while also incorporating spaces for retail, cafes, and community facilities to enhance urban connections.

Explore mixed-use opportunities to promote diverse activities and interactions, fostering community engagement and urban vitality.

The project should include outdoor areas and roof terraces that serve as dynamic extensions of the workplace, offering opportunities for relaxation, collaboration, and social interaction.

The project is  to be developed through an iterative process of analysis, simulations and design generation, refining spatial organization, building program, comfort zones and activity distribution.


Central themes for the studio are performance oriented; site specific climate analysis as part of the research and basis for design, - and various simulations to analyze and optimize design and performance as part of the architectural design process. Parametric computational modeling will be introduced, and used in an iterative manner incorporating design generation and analysis to refine the associative model that defines spatial organization, required building program and activity distribution.

Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the iterative design process, encouraging students to experiment with computational tools and analog techniques to iteratively refine their architectural proposals. By fostering a collaborative studio environment, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, critique each other's work, and push the boundaries of design innovation.




- of the architectural and computational design themes pursued by the studio.

- of parametric design.

- of tools for analysis and simulation relating to climate and building performance.

- of successful built examples of equivalent projects.

- of advanced architectural visualization.

- general insight in artificial intelligence as process tools.


- in utilizing associative modeling systems for architectural design.

- in utilizing analysis tools, simulations and real-time visualization as part of the 

  design process.

- reflective thinking and evaluation as a tool for developing design ideas within the design process.

General competence:

- the ability to develop designs based on specific performative criteria in an integrated manner, from the conceptual stage to the material articulation through computational design.

- the ability to set up and follow through a design process that leads to the desired result.

- the ability to utilize design as a method of research in architecture that facilitates the conception of novel architectural designs.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Project studio; lectures and studio supervision. Toolbox series of seminars introducing relevant computational analysis, simulation and design systems.

Intermediate deliveries / presentations and attendance at workshops are compulsory.

Excursion not decided.


Prosjektoppgave-Bestått / ikke bestått
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått

Start semester

40 561 Subject matter:The Stone Building, Reconsidered

Full course name in English: 
Subject matter:The Stone Building, Reconsidered
40 561
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Thomas McQuillan

Recommended for students near end of education

Om emnet

The courses that make up the Subject Matter series are intended to explore what it means to use materials in architecture today, in a time we call the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch where human activities are understood to significantly impact Earth's ecosystems.

Ecosystem thinking suggests that materials are not fixed entities, but rather flows that have histories. When we extract materials for use in architecture, we interact with these histories and change them. In this way, the construction of architecture is intertwined with the ecosystems from which it is extracted.

For millennia, stone was the material of choice for buildings meant to last. While its use required a commitment with respect to its cost, it repaid this investment in durability and stability. But the use of stone in building fell out of fashion in the early 20th Century with the rise of reinforced concrete — itself just a stone crushed and fired: a sort of stone goop.

While concrete offers great formal freedom, its many stages of manufacture and placement distances it from its origins in the earth, producing a great deal of carbon emissions in the process. Stone, on the other hand, remains closer to the ground. With effective and minimal processing, it represents an intriguing environmental calculus, especially in contrast with materials such as concrete, brick, or metals, but also with respect to wood, whose environmental consequences are increasingly complicated.

Recently, there has been an upswing in the interest in stone building in Europe, both for these environmental concerns but also for the humanistic and aesthetic pursuit of an architecture of some nobility. In England, France, Switzerland and Spain, research into the use of massive and load bearing stone has made significant advances. This course seeks to contribute to this ongoing discussion by studying the design of a prototype contemporary stone building.

The course will include a study of a selection of 20th Century architects whose work in stone can inform our investigation. These include the work of Pol Abraham, who rebuilt the center of Orléans in the aftermath of the Second World War with stone prefabrication, Fernand Pouillon’s system of pre-cut stone that allowed him to build very rapidly in both Paris and Algiers, or the theory of Rudolf Schwarz, whose 1949 book Von bebauing der Erde (or ‘On Building the Earth’) describes architecture as a continuous process of extraction and construction, in which human history and the physical landscape are in a constant state of mutual transformation.

This research is in the service of an architectural proposal for a prototype stone building. Working with architectural elements such as wall, window, lintel, entry, stair, and courtyard, students will be asked to develop a proposal for the use of load bearing stone in building today.

The studio relies on the basic tools of architectural thinking: drawing and model making. We avoid using the screen to present and discuss work, infinitely preferring the presence of the physical model and the hard printed line.



Knowledge of how a stone comes about

Knowledge of the historical uses stone

Knowledge of the environmental impact of stone


Ability to conduct research

Ability to design with and specify stone

General Competence

Competence in presenting ideas in word, image and artifact

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Working and learning activities:

The teaching methods reflect the learning objectives and the form of assessment. The course is organized as collaborative studio in which student participation is essential. The weekly schedule includes a Monday forum, in which we discuss architecture and attend lectures, and a Thursday plenum, in which we discuss the ongoing design work.


 We believe that the study trip is an essential part of architectural education and see it as integral to the development of spatial and material awareness. This is especially true in the study of stone. There are several options for a destination. A final choice will be made by the course as a whole at the start of the semester.

Compulsory work or attendance requirements:

Attend and present work each week.

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått

60 308 Exploring the city through walking

Full course name in English: 
Exploring the city through walking
60 308
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Jonny Aspen

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Urban theory

The course is open to students from: Architecture, Design and Landscape Architecture

Om emnet

This is a course exploring practices of walking as a way of knowing and engaging with the city. Most of us experience our neighbourhoods and cities through walking. Walking is thus a crucial part of living in a city, but is an experience that is given little attention in urban planning and architectural practice. This course digs deeper into that. The overall aim is to explore what kind of insights practices of walking can produce and how these might add to more established forms of knowledge within architecture and design, urbanism and landscape. This is amongst others important as cities are increasingly planning for walkability and the joys of walking. The course will also take up issues of walkability as a feature in discussions about sustainable cities. 

The theoretical component of the course will consist of readings on the history of urban walking, as well as introduction to tools and methods for recording and documenting explorative practices of urban walking. The more practical component of the course will consist of a set of explorative urban walking sessions combined with testing out ways of recording and documentation. 


Knowledge: The students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about urban walking as a tool for learning the city.

Skills: The students will acquire skills in various methods and techniques for both documentation and reflection on practices of urban walking as a tool for exploring the city.

Competence: The students will acquire competence in the history and theory of urban walking that prepares them to write up an essay on urban walking as a tool for engaging with the physical, architectural and social environments of cities.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course will be organized as a combination of seminars (first part of the day) and more concrete fieldwork in terms of urban walking sessions in different parts of Oslo (second part of the day). The seminar sessions will consist of a series of lectures, discussions of (weekly) readings, and reports on ongoing fieldwork. Some of the seminars will be organized as outdoor events and combined with urban walks. The more concrete fieldwork sessions will be organized both as collective events, group work and individual work. In the last part of the semester the students will write up an essay based on their fieldwork into practices of urban walking.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

The curriculum consists of a selection of articles that will be avilable on Moodle from the beginning of the semester.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Øvinger PåkrevdStudents are expected to read a selection of the curriculum for each weekly session. The students will also be given the task of preparing seminar presentations (1–2 times throughout the semester) based on the curriculum. They are also expected to carry out shorter field work assignments (3–4 times throughout the semester).
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Øvinger
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Kommentar:Students are expected to read a selection of the curriculum for each weekly session. The students will also be given the task of preparing seminar presentations (1–2 times throughout the semester) based on the curriculum. They are also expected to carry out shorter field work assignments (3–4 times throughout the semester).
ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe students are expected to write up a final paper (8–10 pages) over an optional theme within the overall course topic.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The students are expected to write up a final paper (8–10 pages) over an optional theme within the overall course topic.
OppmøteStudents are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Students are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.

Start semester

70 308 Service Design tools for wicked problems. Mess Mapping to Blueprint

Full course name in English: 
Service Design tools for wicked problems. Mess Mapping to Blueprint
70 308
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Mari Suoheimo

Passed foundation level (BA-level) courses at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS. Open to all programs at AHO. Students who have taken courses in service design, systems oriented design or interaction design will have priority.

Recommended previous knowledge:

  • Service design concepts, tools and methods
  • User-centred design methodologies
  • Qualitative and practice-based research and analysis
  • Visualisation
  • Systems thinking or systems-oriented design
  • Experience on working with projects
Om emnet

The course objectives are to learn principles of wicked problems and tools that have been designed for them. The stronger focus will be on the Mess Mapping tool created by a Stanford emeritus researcher Horn (Horn & Weber, 2007). Wicked problems are complex problems such as unemployment, immigration, childhood obesity, sustainability to name a few (Suoheimo et al., 2020). Design tools to address wicked problems are limited (Suoheimo, 2016; 2019), however, Mess Mapping in one of them. This is a central tool of the course that will capacitate students to grapple what different complexities in service design. The aim of the course is for students to learn Mess Mapping and how to apply the approach to service design projects. Together with learning the basics of Mess Mapping students will also consider, via Service Blueprints (or other tools), how the macro level understanding could be brought down to micro and meso levels of services. Students will create and design recommendations on what to consider when making a service blueprint. These recommendations could be designed in a form of a leaflet, video or any other creative way that are contextually relevant in a specific case. There will be discussion and reflection on whether blueprint is the best tool for conveying findings during mess mapping or for context, or if indeed other service design tools could be used to take the macro level down to the service level.

The aim of the course is for students to learn how the mess mapping tool will aid in understanding the macro level of the service design problems that can be wicked, political, involve multiple stakeholders, have several policies and laws that need to be considered. The tool will aid in understanding the root causes, causalities, and interconnectedness of the wicked problems in question, and in turn aid in the dialogue and understanding of the stakeholders that share the challenges or problems in common.

During the mapping sessions, students will learn facilitation skills and how to listen and give space for people to talk and participate. In the end students will learn synthesizing and questioning the complexity in question and understand what possible domino effects an intervention in the system may cause. It will require students to learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, not knowing what the end result or deliverables will be but to trust in the process. It is essential to understand that wicked problems have taken decades if not centuries to form and for this reason might need longer timeframes than current service design practice to unmake them or better mitigate the challenge. For this reason, we will touch on ‘transition design’ principles.

With the course being short, we will only make a partial Mess Map, but this will allow for an understanding of the principles of Mess Mapping. Students will create recommendations on how the information gathered could be transferred into practice via Service Blueprinting (or other tool, if found to be more appropriate for the case) in a real context. Students will also learn skills of working in groups and running a design project in a complex context.

The course will consist of group work, where the mapping tool will be experimented with together with external stakeholders (if possible). There will be reading assignments and each student will write a learning diary of the activities they learn during the course.



  • Recognize, understand and explain what wicked problems are.
  • Define what the existing tools (and strategies) are for wicked problems.
  • Understand principles of transition design for services.


  • Illustrate a wicked problem via Mess Mapping via facilitating workshops and learn how to apply it to their service design projects.
  • In the mapping sessions, students will learn facilitation skills and how to listen and give space for people to talk and participate.
  • Students will learn synthesizing and questioning the complexity in question and understand what possible domino effects an intervention in the system may cause.
  • Create and design recommendations what to consider when making a service blueprint or other way of putting the knowledge in service design practice.


  • Deal with uncertainty.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders and facilitate workshops.
  • Understand interconnections of a wicked service context.
  • Take ownership, autonomy, independence in group to manage and lead the project in a complex context.

Buchanan, R. (1992). Wicked problems in design thinking. Design issues8(2), 5-21.

Ritchey, T. (2013). Wicked problems. Acta morphologica generalis2(1).

Rittel, H. W., & Webber, M. M. (1973). Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy sciences4(2), 155-169.

Horn, R. E., & Weber, R. P. (2007). New tools for resolving wicked problems. Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. [online accessed April 2016] http://www. strategykinetics. com/New_Tools_ For_Resolving_Wicked_Problems. pdf.

Suoheimo, M. (2019). Strategies and visual tools to resolve wicked problems. The International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice13(2), 25.

Suoheimo, M., Vasques, R., & Rytilahti, P. (2020). Deep diving into service design problems: Visualizing the iceberg model of design problems through a literature review on the relation and role of service design with wicked problems. The Design Journal24(2), 231-251.

Suoheimo, M., & Lusikka, T. (2020, August). Process for mapping challenges of cross-border mobility in the Barents region. In International Conference on Design Creativity (pp. 168-177). Design society.

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått The course will consist of one design projects with group and individual deliverables that
will receive qualitative assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses.

The students will be assessed on the quality of submitted deliverables throughout the course. The student must submit all assignments in the course to receive final assessment. Students are assessed individually also in the group works.
The student’s progression throughout the course will be assessed by means of:

• Mini Mess Map
• Recommendations how to apply the knowledge in a service (blueprint) in a form of a
leaflet, video or any other creative way that will make sense in the specific case.
• Workshops
• Learning diary
• Final presentation that will capture the process and the outcomes of the project
• PowerPoint or PDF slides for your personal professional portfolio of the case in
• Project management and working/collaborating in groups

If a student does not submit these deliverables for whatever reason (medical absences etc.), or if the delivery is too weak, the student can deliver an improved project later in the semester, but must deliver before the end of the course (unless they have obtained an extension from administration).

The project will have a final presentation, that will be assessed in pass or fail by an external sensor and the course leader.

Whilst group work will be assessed as a whole as to the quality of their deliverables, individuals will be assessed in their contribution to this whole. Students who fail to contribute or show limited contribution or engagement will not pass this course. Therefore, assessment of group dynamics and collaboration will be ongoing throughout the course.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: The course will consist of one design projects with group and individual deliverables that
will receive qualitative assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses.

The students will be assessed on the quality of submitted deliverables throughout the course. The student must submit all assignments in the course to receive final assessment. Students are assessed individually also in the group works.
The student’s progression throughout the course will be assessed by means of:

• Mini Mess Map
• Recommendations how to apply the knowledge in a service (blueprint) in a form of a
leaflet, video or any other creative way that will make sense in the specific case.
• Workshops
• Learning diary
• Final presentation that will capture the process and the outcomes of the project
• PowerPoint or PDF slides for your personal professional portfolio of the case in
• Project management and working/collaborating in groups

If a student does not submit these deliverables for whatever reason (medical absences etc.), or if the delivery is too weak, the student can deliver an improved project later in the semester, but must deliver before the end of the course (unless they have obtained an extension from administration).

The project will have a final presentation, that will be assessed in pass or fail by an external sensor and the course leader.

Whilst group work will be assessed as a whole as to the quality of their deliverables, individuals will be assessed in their contribution to this whole. Students who fail to contribute or show limited contribution or engagement will not pass this course. Therefore, assessment of group dynamics and collaboration will be ongoing throughout the course.
OppmøteThis is an intensive course and it demands consistent and hard work from the participants. Although the projects are often developed in groups, individual deliverables will also be required during the projects.

Students are expected to attend at least 90% of the main course events described in the detailed calendar for each project, in order to be able to pass the course. This includes workshops, lectures, group sessions and tutoring sessions. The course leader will take attendance 15 minutes after the beginning of each session. The course leader will inform the students if they are close to failing the course, due to lack of attendance.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:This is an intensive course and it demands consistent and hard work from the participants. Although the projects are often developed in groups, individual deliverables will also be required during the projects.

Students are expected to attend at least 90% of the main course events described in the detailed calendar for each project, in order to be able to pass the course. This includes workshops, lectures, group sessions and tutoring sessions. The course leader will take attendance 15 minutes after the beginning of each session. The course leader will inform the students if they are close to failing the course, due to lack of attendance.

12 701 Diplom arkitektur

Full course name in English: 
Diploma Architecture
12 701
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Lone Sjøli

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 300 ECTS including 12 400 Pre-diploma (6 ECTS).

Om emnet

The diploma semester (18 weeks) is an architectural study on a theme chosen by the candidate. Program for the diploma has been prepared by the student in the pre-diploma course (6 credits).

Each student has one main appointed supervisor from AHO´s academic staff. In addition, the student can make use of the entire academic staff at AHO, and have the possibility to consult special expertise from outside of AHO, which is supported by the school by a limited amount.



  • To make use of relevant knowledge in the production of an architectural project: architectural discourse, relevant project references, theory, history, technology etc.
  • To develop and complete a project within the framework stated in the program


  • To produce a diploma work with high architectural, artistic and/or theoretical qualities
  • To use relevant methods to develop and present the diploma work
  • To show professionality in craftmanship and presentation
  • To define the degree of complexity in the project, and be able to consider the type and depth of work accordingly

General competence

  • To be able to convey and discuss the content of the diploma work to an audience of architects with no special competence in the subject of the actual diploma.
  • To be able to reflect on the project´s relation to a wider architectural and societal context
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief.

The diploma semester starts of with an information meeting where both administrative and academic staff is present. Main source of information and updates during the semester is Moodle, and as a diploma student you are obligated to familiarize yourself with the AHO's diploma regulations.  The regulations outlines the frame work of the diploma semester, and describes details conceringin submission, reviews and assessment. 

A diploma project may be withdrawn from examination by December 1st (Fall semester) and May 1st (Spring semester). Before  the withdrawal date, AHO organizes an extra review of underdeveloped projects in risk of failing. A team of teachers, including the supervisors, will give a clear recommendation to these students on whether to withdraw or deliver.

Prosjektoppgave-Bestått / ikke bestått The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.

12 803 Diplom Landskapsarkitektur

Full course name in English: 
Diploma Landscape Architecture
12 803
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Hanna Charlotta Dencik Petersson

Admission to AHO, and successful completion of 90 ECTS master level studies, including the course 60 701 Pre-diploma for urbanism and landscape architecture.

Om emnet

The diploma semester at AHO is an independent research and design task on a theme chosen by the student. In consultation with a supervisor, the student is to produce a complete work of exceptional quality contributing to the discipline’s discourse.



  • Knowledge of the theoretical and policy-related elements with relevance to the field of research and practice within the discipline.
  • Knowledge of methods, tools and media inherent to urban and landscape design.
  • An awareness of landscape and urban design’s historical, societal and theoretical background and context.


  • An ability to undertake an independent and responsible project development.
  • Ability to conceive of, conceptualize and design a specific project related to a specific situation or problem.
  • An ability to employ the range of knowledge within the discipline in the specific diploma research and design.
  • An ability to communicate design ideas and results to professionals and laypersons.

General competence

  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that contribute to inform urban design and landscape architecture work.
  • Ability to see the particular approaches and methods of the discipline in relation to society and contemporary landscape situations.
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief.

The diploma semester starts of with an information meeting where both administrative and academic staff is present. Main source of information and updates during the semester is Moodle, and as a diploma student you are obligated to familiarize yourself with the AHO's diploma regulations. The regulations outlines the framework of the diploma semester, and describes details concerning submission, reviews and assessment. 

Students are recommended to participate on the two interim presentations.

A diploma project may be withdrawn from examination by December 1st (Fall semester) and May 1st (Spring semester).

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttReport and presentation of diploma project. The diploma project is assessed and evaluated by external censors. The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Report and presentation of diploma project. The diploma project is assessed and evaluated by external censors. The diploma project should be evaluated on the terms, problematics and scope that the students themselves have defined in their project and in relation to the criteria given by the examiner´s guide to diploma evaluation and the required learning outcome.

12 400 Pre-Diploma

Full course name in English: 
12 400
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 270 ECTS.

Om emnet

The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with an supervisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma semester.

  • An understanding of the complexity of a chosen architectural program
  • An ability to frame artistic and scientific research
  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural work
  • An awareness of the topic’s historical, societal and theoretical ramifications
  • An ability to communicate ideas and plan work
  • An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The pre-diploma semester is an independent study, undertaken in consultation with an supervisor, whose result is a program for the following diploma semester.

Read more about the program here: Pre-diploma | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (aho.no)

RapportIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe report (diploma program) is assessed by supervisor and course responsible.

The program should contain:
1. abstract
2. architectural program
3. functional program (if applicable)
4. strategy/working method
5. schedule diploma semester
6., formats/specifications of material to deliver
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The report (diploma program) is assessed by supervisor and course responsible.

The program should contain:
1. abstract
2. architectural program
3. functional program (if applicable)
4. strategy/working method
5. schedule diploma semester
6., formats/specifications of material to deliver

60 701 Pre-diplom for landskapsarkitektur

Full course name in English: 
Pre-diploma for landscape architecture
60 701
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Zaccariotto Giambattista

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 60 ECTS master level studies. The course is mandatory for students on the International master of Landscape Architecture in their third semester.

Om emnet

The pre-diploma at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the student. In consultation with the course teacher the student is to produce a written and illustrated report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial programme and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma work. 



  • Understanding of the complexity of a chosen landscape or urban topic and site.
  • Understanding of the ecological, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern urban or landscape design work.
  • Awareness of the chosen topic’s historical, societal and theoretical issues and its methodological consequences.
  • Understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline.
  • Awareness of relevant research methods and techniques.


  • An ability to frame artistic and scientific research.
  • An ability to communicate ideas and plan work.
  • Ability to undertake individual research and analysis connected to a chosen topic.
  • Ability to formulate a research question.
  • An ability to self-evaluate and discuss research outcomes.

General competence:

The ability to formulate an individual landscape architecture project description. 

At the end of the course, the students will have acquired the necessary knowledge about a topic, related design questions, site, context and discourse to proceed with the independent diploma work in Landscape Architecture.


Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Teaching/learning activities include:

  • Lectures (reception of selected contents)
  • Individual Guidance (elaboration, clarification)
  • Collective Interim Presentations (elaboration, clarification, evaluation)
  • Seminar (clarification, presentation skills)
  • Group work (Peer teaching/evaluating)
  • Report design (as learning process and outcome)

Teaching / learning tasks include: 

  • Literature review
  • Precedents review 
  • Typological and Scale studies
  • Analytical mapping
  • Interviews


 Students are expected to be in class on Tuesdays.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Ikke påkrevd Submissions (Moodle) of mid-term deliverables.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
Kommentar: Submissions (Moodle) of mid-term deliverables.
RapportIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe course is an individual research assignment with group discussions and interim presentations. It concludes with a pre-diploma report.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The course is an individual research assignment with group discussions and interim presentations. It concludes with a pre-diploma report.

40 552 Moving Monuments: Rome

Full course name in English: 
Moving Monuments: Rome
40 552
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Victor Plahte Tschudi

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Om emnet

OCCAS Moving Monuments: Rome offers a study of historical monuments, pursuing a double aim: It both invites an in-depth, critical analysis of specific sites in Rome and an understanding of the history and media through which these sites are transformed.

Initially, the students are asked to pick a monument in Rome from a preselected list. Throughout the term, they will work with and investigate their chosen monument in ways that challenge and expand the notion of “monument” and include manifestations in books, images, films, texts etc. To aid the investigation, weekly seminars led by OCCAS teachers will present a spectrum of approaches to architectural research.

“Moving” may refer to the concrete transportation of architecture, but also to the recreation and circulation of monuments in various media and materials, museums and models, print- and preservation strategies. Experts in respective fields join forces to share their insights about past monuments but also about the methods that enable us to think, write and talk about them.



  • The course will provide an extensive knowledge of sites and buildings, primarily in Rome, as well as of the media and materials that convey them, ranging from plaster to the popular press. Students will also learn how to perform as confident researchers, able to command and apply contemporary perspectives on a historical material.


  • The course teaches the skills of research, such as hermeneutics, archival studies, visual analysis, and textual interpretation. Equally important, it aims to turn students into confident scholars, drilling course participants in rhetoric and presentation techniques.

General competence:

  • Students that will have taken the course will know how to think critically about architecture and history; they will also be in possession of a toolbox of perspectives and techniques invaluable in the preparation and presentation of projects in respective careers as architects and designers. 
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course is structured as a series of mini-seminars organized by the OCCAS teaching staff. One of the seminars takes place in Rome, the others at AHO, consisting of a combination of lectures and workshops. In three assignments, the students are asked to present different aspect of “their” monument. Simultaneously they will work on their main presentation under individual supervision.  

Activities count weekly lectures/workshops, a field trip to Rome, the presentations of three short essays throughout the term, and a final 30-minute lecture.

Students are required to attend weekly seminars.


The course includes a three-day seminar in Rome followed by an individual study period (ca. 10 days) at The Norwegian Institute in Rome. The costs are covered by the students. There will be an alternative program for those who choose to remain in Oslo.


Reading list in Leganto.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Øvinger PåkrevdThe course work centers on oral presentations of three short essays (ca. 10 minutes) and a final presentation (30-minutes).

In the three short essays, each student is expected to present their chosen monument from the perspectives that have been examined and discussed during seminars.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Øvinger
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Kommentar:The course work centers on oral presentations of three short essays (ca. 10 minutes) and a final presentation (30-minutes).

In the three short essays, each student is expected to present their chosen monument from the perspectives that have been examined and discussed during seminars.
Muntlig eksamenIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe final grade is based on the final oral presentation. The presentation is at the end of the semester and takes the form of a 30-minute lecture for an invited audience, based on a manuscript and complete with pictures.
Vurderingsform:Muntlig eksamen
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The final grade is based on the final oral presentation. The presentation is at the end of the semester and takes the form of a 30-minute lecture for an invited audience, based on a manuscript and complete with pictures.
OppmøteParticipation and attendance in lectures, workshops and seminars is expected.
EkskursjonThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Participation and attendance in lectures, workshops and seminars is expected.
Kommentar:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.

Start semester

70 511 Industrial Design 1: Futureproof Industrial Design

Full course name in English: 
Industrial Design 1: Futureproof Industrial Design
70 511
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Hilde Angelfoss

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS) with specialization in industrial design.

Om emnet

Design Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow is an advanced course in industrial design dealing with challenge of products expected to last longer. Not only as a technical quality aspect but also to fulfill our emotional and functional needs in the future.

The emotional connections needed to make us take care of products for a longer time will be addressed. The project will address discussions on sustainable aesthetics.

Design for manufacturing needs to be balanced with design for maintenance, repair, reuse and recycle.

The course builds on the legacy of industrial design both in Norway and Scandinavia, aesthetic approaches are explored in a cultural context within a sustainable frame. This is approached through extensive iterations.

In the studio the students work with different approaches and methods to achieve a variety of results when it comes to innovation levels and sustainability

Aesthetical values that can build trust and desire for longevity will have a focus in this course.

The outcome will be physical products, visual presentation and a written report.


Knowledge: By the completion of the course the student shall have knowledge about:

  • Knowledge about a variety of approaches in design processes for different purposes with targeted outcome, so that the students can better plan, design and direct their process towards a valuable, desired outcome.  

Knowledge about manufacturing tends and standards in a circular context with relevant tools and methods so that they can do informed and responsible choices in their design processes


By the completion of the course the student shall have the ability to:

  • Be trained in working by different approaches in design, achieving the experience of how this can generate various results and enable them to choose methods according to specifications in a design project.
  • Have worked with tools and methods within sustainability, so they know how and when design decisions affect the final solution and thereby how to make sustainable choices in design.
  • Have knowledge on the impact design choices have on a products sustainability score in EPD and other relevant measuring methods. 
  • Been trained in the use of innovative methods such as Peer Creative development, back-casting and possibility driven design, so that they increase their capacity to design for a complex changing future.

Extensive training in core industrial design skills as, sketching, mock-up building and CAD, enabling them to work efficiently, choosing the right tool and deliver at an accurate professional level throughout the process.

General competence:

By the completion of the course the student shall:

The student should have obtained a more complete understanding of their role and responsibility as designer, by improved skills and deeper understanding of manufacturing, sustainability and approaches in design.

They should be able to suggest an approach and plan a design process for a desired outcome.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Workshops, lectures, individual and in groups. Peer feedback is a core method in the course.

Excursions related to project topics may be arranged and will be confirmed at semester start


Curriculum will be presented at the course start

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått The course has 2-3 project deliveries. Each project will have a delivery of a physical objects supported with visuals and presentations.
A reflective text (1500- 2000 words) is a part of the course delivery.

Group delivery/assessment may occur in part of the course
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: The course has 2-3 project deliveries. Each project will have a delivery of a physical objects supported with visuals and presentations.
A reflective text (1500- 2000 words) is a part of the course delivery.

Group delivery/assessment may occur in part of the course
OppmøteThe students are expected to attend lectures and tutoring at AHO and work at their assigned studio space throughout the semester.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:The students are expected to attend lectures and tutoring at AHO and work at their assigned studio space throughout the semester.
