fbpx 40 420 Architecture Technology: Equilibrium and Suspense. | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

40 420 Architecture Technology: Equilibrium and Suspense.

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Architecture Technology: Equilibrium and Suspense.
Course code: 
40 420
Teaching semester: 
2023 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2023 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Claudia Andrea Pinochet
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Course content

The seminar will provide a framework for understanding building technology, constructive elements, materials properties and embedded structural concepts— while addressing questions of scale, context and logic.

Looking back at historical references in the construction practice, we will seek to understand the basic principles that define and characterize the behavior of objects (or systems) subjected to forces and what those forces themselves are.

Following the development of an idea into an image, a construction drawing, the building site, logistics and execution, we will examine the physical properties of structural concepts, elements and systems, construction materials, and learn about building techniques.

Through short exercises and the analysis of several case studies, we will dive into the world of architecture technology, exploring materials, not only as constructive matter, but as a generator of precise architectural thought.

Learning outcome

— Comprehend and explain structural concepts
— Develop a scientific understanding of structural elements and systems, material properties and performance
— Demonstrate technical knowledge of traditional and contemporary craft/making techniques
— Better understanding of technological development

Working and learning activities

During the course, we will discuss different making traditions.
The seminar will start with a brief scientific history.
Reading, model-making and drawing will be important components of the seminar.

Throughout the semester participants can expect weekly readings and exercises working in couples and individually. In addition, there will be a test and a series of assignments adding up to the execution of a class project.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failThe basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The basis for assessment in the course is based on a portfolio consisting of assignments and presentations.
Workload activityComment
AttendanceStudents are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Students are expected to attend all course days and be active participants in the seminar activities.