fbpx Nye urbane teorier | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

Nye urbane teorier

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Nye urbane teorier
Course code: 
60 402
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The course focuses on current theories in urbanism, with a special emphasis on how to see and understand the contemporary city in terms of urban design, urban living and new technologies. The overall emphasis of the course will be to read and discuss a selection of texts that present new theoretical perspectives on the current urban condition. Priority is given to cross-disciplinary approaches and to theoretical perspectives that seek to interrelate design issues and social issues.

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten; The students shall acquire a general overview over current issues and theoretical positions within urbanism.

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten; The students shall acquire insight into and ability to critical reflection (both orally and in writing) about current issues and theories in urbanism.

Generell kompetanse
Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten; The students will acquire competence that prepares them to write up a discursive paper about current issues in urbanism in various theoretical perspectives.

Working and learning activities

The course consists of a series of lectures, curriculum readings and seminar discussions related to current theories in urbanism. The students will work in groups of two and prepare digital presentations in relation to seminar discussions. At the end of the semester the students are expected to hand in a written assignment, a paper of 6-8 pages, which discusses at least two current theories that have been treated in the course.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failStudentene skal skrive et avsluttende paper som leveres inn mot slutten av fordypningskursuka. Studentene skal videre forberede en kort presentasjon av sitt paper for gjennomgang i plenum.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Studentene skal skrive et avsluttende paper som leveres inn mot slutten av fordypningskursuka. Studentene skal videre forberede en kort presentasjon av sitt paper for gjennomgang i plenum.
Workload activityComment
CurriculumStudentene forventes å lese pensumlitteraturen til hver time. Studentene vil også (1-2 ganger) få i oppgave å forberede seminarinnlegg med utgangspunkt i pensumlitteraturen.
Written assignmentsStudenten skal skrive en avsluttende oppgave (et paper på 6-8 sider) som drøfter to eller flere aktuelle teorier som er behandlet i kurset.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Curriculum
Comment:Studentene forventes å lese pensumlitteraturen til hver time. Studentene vil også (1-2 ganger) få i oppgave å forberede seminarinnlegg med utgangspunkt i pensumlitteraturen.
Workload activity:Written assignments
Comment:Studenten skal skrive en avsluttende oppgave (et paper på 6-8 sider) som drøfter to eller flere aktuelle teorier som er behandlet i kurset.