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Appeal of an Individual Decision

What is an individual decision?

An individual decision is a decision that applies to one or more specific individuals. Decisions you receive regarding applications for admission, exemptions, recognition of prior education, adapted studies, and leave of absence are examples of individual decisions, which are processed according to the Public Administration Act (Forvaltningsloven).

You have the right to appeal individual decisions made by AHO. 

The appeal should specify which decision you are appealing, the changes you desire, and ideally, the reasons for your appeal. 

How to appeal an individual decision:

You must submit your appeal within three weeks from the date you received the decision letter, using the form “Klage på enkeltvedtak” (Appeal of an Individual Decision). Send the appeal to the study administration, which will re-evaluate the case and may: 

  • Reject the appeal (for example, if the appeal deadline has passed) 
  • Overturn or modify the decision if they find the appeal justified 
  • Uphold the original decision 

If the decision is upheld, the appeal will be forwarded to AHO’s Appeals Board, which will make the final determination. You cannot appeal the decision made by the Appeals Board. 

Deadline: Three (3) weeks after recieving the decision  
Form for Appeal of an Individual Decision (Nettskjema form - Requires FEIDE login)