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Appointed Chair Professor at CAFA Innovation Centre in Beijing

From first row left, Dongmei Yao (OMA, Beijing), Karl Otto Ellefsen (AHO), Rem Koolhaas (OMA/AMO) , President Fan Dian and Vice-President and Dean Lu Pinjing (CAFA).

Appointed Chair Professor at CAFA Innovation Centre in Beijing

AHO Professor Karl Otto Ellefsen has together with Rem Koolhaas of OMA/AMO, been appointed as Chair Professors at Central Academy of Arts (CAFA) Innovation Centre. 

Ellefsen and Koolhas' work will mostly be involved in what CAFA calls “Countryside Construction”. The Chinese countryside is transforming and different governmental strategies affect the around 1,5 million villages. The intentions are poverty alleviation, changes in property management, increased efficiency in Chinese agriculture, industrial innovation and socio-cultural modernization.
These large scale transformations affect human habitat in general.
AHO has cooperated formally with CAFA since 2007 and the two universities have run a PhD program since 2014, doing case studies of village transformation. This program will in 2018 and 2019 be supported by the “Utforsk” – program (SIU, Centre for Internationalization of Education).”