fbpx Book launch: Design Build with The Scarcity and Creativity Studio | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


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Book launch: Design Build with The Scarcity and Creativity Studio

From its creation in January 2012, The Scarcity and Creativity Studio (SCS) has developed a teaching method which reaffirms a commitment to architecture as a service to society, questions the idea of the individual creator in favour of collaborative design, and challenges the traditional master-student relationship.

The book “Design Build with The Scarcity and Creativity Studio” documents the projects of SCS and, in so doing, explains the practices and pedagogic methods which the studio has developed in relation to architecture education in general and design build education in particular.

With this book launch we want to celebrate the book together with our former students, collaborators, clients, colleagues and present students. The launch will be accompanied by a few speeches, a small exhibition and refreshments. Welcome!

Date: 05. September, 2023
Time: 4:00 pm

Venue: AHO Gallery
Address: Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo