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For AHO staff

AHO's Intranet

Visit AHO's new intranet! You will find employee news, documents, templates, reports, and more here. The intranet is in Microsoft SharePoint, and you log in to Microsoft with your AHO email address.

Log in here (ahono.sharepoint.com)

AHOs intranett

Besøk AHOs nye intranett! Her finner du blant annet ansattnyheter, dokumenter, maler og referater. Intranettet er i Microsoft SharePoint, og du logger inn i Microsoft med din AHO-e-postadresse. 

Logg inn på intranettet her (ahono.sharepoint.com)


On this page, we have gathered relevant information for students and staff at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design about the situation in Ukraine.

More info