fbpx Diploma Ceremony for spring | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Diploma Ceremony for spring

Welcome to the diploma ceremony for this spring's graduates! There will be the awarding of diplomas, along with music and speeches. After the ceremony, the classes will line up for photographs, and refreshments will be served. Family can be invited to the ceremony.


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Ceremony

  • Rachel Troye, Vice-Rector for Education (Master of Ceremonies)

  • Gard Lindberg-Olsen / Piano
  • Christane Ingebretsen / Vocals
  • Christoffer Lenningsvik / Guitar

Rector's Speech
  • Irene Alma Lønne

Awarding of Diplomas
  • PhD
  • Executive Master of Urbanism
  • Executive Master of Architectural Preservation
  • Master of Landscape Architecture
  • Master of Design
  • Master of Architecture

  • Gard Lindberg-Olsen / Piano
  • Christane Ingebretsen / Vocals
  • Christoffer Lenningsvik / Guitar

Teacher's Speech
  • Joakim Formo
Student's Speech
  • Daphne Lara Uy Chan
Master of Ceremonies Conclusion
Ceremony Exit

2:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Photographing of Candidates
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Serving of Refreshments

Date: 07. June, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm

Venue: Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo
Address: Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo