fbpx Airport | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design



Salvador Saraiva Lobo

Diploma project

Spring 2019
Institute of Architecture

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Johan Engh
This diploma is about the spatial experience of transitional spaces while satisfying the complexity of the program of an airport as a typology.
The Airport is located in Bodø, in the borderline between the ever-developing urban character of the city and the endless of the Nordic landscape. It acts as a connector of the two.
My proposal imagines an architectural project defined by two sloped roofs and two spaces. The two roofs are parallel to each other but different in its dimensions. One emerges from the ground, the other hangs from a wall. Under this roofs, two spaces facilitate areas of passage that through proportioning are mentally connected with the adjoining spaces, that of the city, and that of the landscape.
Salvador Saraiva Lobosalvador.lobo@gmail.com