Diploma project
Spring 2022
Institute of Design
How can we better utilise local manufacturers in order to support innovation and creation?
Local Bloom is an online service providing a fast and simple overview over local manufacturers, including features for formalities. Lowering the threshold from idea to physical product by utilising local industrial facilities.
Giving a simple and easy overview over nearby trusted manufacturers, reviewed and tested by other users. It also gives the manufacturers the ability to customize their criterias for assignments, either with quanta, price or a specific file uploads.
Providing a local network to creators and makers. Local Bloom facilitates for innovation, and more effi cient local manufacturing pipelines. Leading to easier production adjustments, lower emissions and easier waste and quality control.
Having a service that prompts users to manufacture locally brings a lot of benefits:
1) More sustaineble production: By implementing Local Bloom, it can contribute to more sustainable ways of manufacturing. Having better waste control, and reducing transportation emissions can be a huge contribution to manufacturing greener.
2) Grow local communeties: By implementing Local Bloom, it can contribute to more growth in the local community, and can potentially lead to new jobs and opportunities.
3) More resiliant economi: By utilizing local manufacturers we can create supply chains that are more resilient. If changes need to be made, everything is located close, and can quickly adapt to new changes.
Åsmund Ivarjord / aasmund.ivarjord@outlook.com / www.ivarjord.com