Velkommen til Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo. Her vil du finne informasjon du trenger for å starte på ditt første semester hos oss. Vi gleder oss til å se deg!
You log in to Studentweb with login you have recieved from the Admission office (or BankID if applicable).
Every semester you must do the following in Studentweb:
The deadline to register for the semester is September 1st for the Autumn semester, and February 1st for the Spring semester.
Log in to Studentweb here.
If you have not recieved your Studentweb login, please contact opptak@aho.no.
You will receive an email from IT before the start of the semester on how to activate your AHO user account.
If you have not received any email about this, you can contact IT at: servicedesk@aho.no
All Microsoft programs (Outlook, Word, Excel, Teams, etc.) can be downloaded for free once you have logged into Microsoft.
You can find your AHO email in the access portal.
AHO communicates with students via email, and it is expected that you stay updated on your student email throughout your studies.
Log in to Microsoft Office here.
If you are automatically logged in with another Microsoft user, you can use a different browser to access your AHO user account.
The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) is a government agency allocating loans and grants to Norwegian students. International students may in some cases qualify for this and you can find more information about this on Lånekassens website. The financial support is part loan and part grant and is meant to help support cost of living, travel and tuition fees when applicable.
To be able to apply for support from Lånekassen, you must be semester registered.
Remember that the semester registration consists of two steps:
1. Payment of the semester fee
2. Semester registration in Studentweb.
You can find more information on how to apply at Lånekassen.
To receive your access card, you must first activate your AHO user account. See point 2.
You must show ID to receive your access card.
The Student ID app proves that you are registered as a student this semester. The app is called "Studentbevis+" and serves as a student ID at, among others, The Student Welfare Organisation in Oslo (SiO), and on public transport.
As soon as you have paid the semester fee and registered for the semester in Studentweb, you can start using the app. It can take 3-5 days from when you pay the semester fee until the payment is registered.
Moodle is AHO’s digital learning platform.
The courses you are enrolled in have their own room. In the course rooms, you will find semester plans, curriculum, and similar. You will receive an email notification about all updates in Moodle.
Log in to Moodle through OpenID Connect.
You will have access to your courses in Moodle within 24 hours after you have registered for lectures and assignments in Studentweb.
All applicants admitted to AHO for a full-time masters on master level, must present their original diploma with transcript of records from undergraduate studies for inspection upon arrival at AHO.
Please wait for further instructions from the Admission Office.
If you have achieved credits at another educational institution that correspond with AHO courses, you may apply for course recognition. If you have questions, contact opptak@aho.no.
Please apply for recognition using this form.
We welcome our new students to a Welcome Ceremony the first day of the semester.
Attendance is mandatory. Any absences must be documented and notified to the Study Administration at opptak@aho.no as soon as possible. If you do not notify in advance, you will lose your place of study.
Do you have a disability, special needs, or illness that makes it difficult to study? You may apply for individual adaptation of your studies or exams.
Here you can find information about how to apply.
Students who are not Norwegian Citizens will find detailed and specific information here.
After the Welcome Ceremony our new students are greeted by their Buddies. The rest of the weekend is dedicated to social activities and getting to know Oslo and each other.
The Buddy system is a long-standing Norwegian tradition. New students recieve a Buddy, an existing student at AHO. Your Buddy functions as a go-to for matters concerning your student life. We strongly recommend that you participate!
All students (full-time and exchange) have mandatory Workshop Courses when starting at AHO. You will be allocated a group based on your Studio Course. You must take part in three Workshops; wood, metal, and plastic. After which you are granted a Workshop Diploma and are allowed access to the Workshops unsupervised.
Your Study Advisor is your point of contact for:
For questions about to your studies, please contact the the Info Center: infosenter@aho.no
If you have questions related to being an international student, please contact AHO’s International coordinator: international-office@aho.no
Contact the Study Administration here.
SAHO is the student council at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. SAHO is the bridge between the school’s management and the students. In addition SAHO initiates fun activities and social events. Their focus is AHO student welfare, academically and socially.
Please find more information about SAHO here.
Follow SAHO on Facebook
SiO is the welfare organisation for students in Oslo. Paying your semester fee gives you access to all benefits and priveleges SiO has to offer.
Among others:
Find more information on SiO's offers for AHO students here.
Oslo Airport Gardermoen is located approx. 50 km from the city centre. There are several ways to get to and from the airport. We recommend to choose between the Airport Express Train (flytoget.no), Airport Bus (flybussen.no) or local trains (vy.no).
In Oslo all public transportation is part of the same ticket system operated by Ruter. Ruter’s tickets are valid for buses, trams, subways, ferries, and local trains. Remember to ask for student discount. You can buy tickets with the Ruter App and various kiosks.
This website has necessary information about how to find work in Oslo.
Read about contracts, taxes and employee rights, in addition to job listings and ads.
Tax deduction card
If you plan to work while studying in Norway you need to apply for a tax deduction card, and meet with the Tax Administration (Skatt Øst).
For more information, please see the Tax Administration's website on how foreign citizens apply for tax cards.
Students admitted to the Executive Master's program must send a signed contract to evu@aho.no.
You can find the contract here.
The deadline to send the signed contract to evu@aho.no is 10.01.2025.