fbpx Places, objects, tools | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

Places, objects, tools

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Places, objects, tools
Course code: 
40 406
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The transition from architecture as a material profession to a fluid practice of hybrid sites, digital working spaces and global interconnectivity has rapidly changed not only the tools architects use, but also the way in which they intellectually engage the world they design.

Central to this transformation are some of architecture’s core conventions; the site in which an object sits, the working space in which the architect designs, and the tools which the architect uses, having morphed from the ink of the pen to vectors, meshes, nurbs and projections.

Actively shaping this transition requires the architect to not only command the workflows of contemporary digital practice but also to critically challenge the theoretical context in which the tools are formed.
The course consists of 4 exercises. Each exercise pairs a core design task within the digital realm with a core reading spanning from architecture, critical theory, art, and philosophy specific to the themes of places, objects, and tools.

Students are asked through these exercises to both solve a design task whilst providing their own theoretical argument inspired from the provided texts through their own project descriptions in writing and through verbal presentation. Each exercise lasts 2-3 weeks and concludes with common discourse with invited guests.

Learning outcome

The students will learn a set of core design tools for working in a contemporary architectural environment, including: 3d-model sourcing, 3d-printing, 3d-scanning, VR- modelling, analytical drawings, Photoshop, and physical model making.

The students will familiarize themselves with central texts related to technology spanning from early modernism to the contemporary context.

The students will learn to intellectually reflect upon the theoretical implications of their design work and learn to build a theoretical background in which to expand their own design studies and research.

The students will learn to write short descriptive texts of their design exercises and learn to verbally present their ideas amongst colleagues.

The students will familiarize themselves with current design work engaging architectural heritage, 3d-archiving, VR environments and 3d-prototyping and will be asked to provide a personal speculation upon the future of digital technologies in architecture and design

Working and learning activities

Short 2 – 3 week continuous design exercises paired with a text.

Deliverables each week spanning from screenshots with a short description to larger models, images and drawings.

Lectures, tutorials and discussions as required.

An optional expansive syllabus will be provided and students are encouraged to read it.

Mandatory courseworkPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltetNot requiredAll exercises and readings are mandatory.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Presence required:Not required
Comment:All exercises and readings are mandatory.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failFour assignments + a main assignment will be assessed at the end of the semester. For each assignment a text is distributed and is mandatory to read. All assignments are mandatory and will be assessed by an external critic.

The students need to submit all assignments and participate in all lectures to pass the course. Students who are in danger of failing will be notified in advance by the teacher.

Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Four assignments + a main assignment will be assessed at the end of the semester. For each assignment a text is distributed and is mandatory to read. All assignments are mandatory and will be assessed by an external critic.

The students need to submit all assignments and participate in all lectures to pass the course. Students who are in danger of failing will be notified in advance by the teacher.