fbpx ACDL: Architecture and Productive Landscapes 1 | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


ACDL: Architecture and Productive Landscapes 1

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
ACDL: Architecture and Productive Landscapes 1
Course code: 
40 507
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

• Command of English Language (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking);
• Working Knowledge in Rhino;
• Studio participants are required to take the elective course ‘Modulating Microclimates’ (Rhino, Grasshopper, Arduino, VR Visualisation);

Course content

The studio will focus on architectural design, the study of cultural productive landscapes and the way architectures can be designed for and integrated with these landscapes on multiple levels. Specific focus will be placed on use, spatial organization, material articulation and modulation of microclimates.

Today the vast amount of architectural effort is focused on urban environments and little attention is focused on rural and remote areas that have been cultivated for generations. As the latter are falling into disrepair invaluable resources, insights and knowledge is lost. A lot can be learned from the way such landscapes are traditionally articulated, such as the terracing of slopes and the choice of materials, so as to be able to yield produce that otherwise is not possible. The studio will seek to engage with this problematic and to engage post-urban rural recuperation through carefully designed architectural projects. In this context the studio will focus on architectural design, the study of cultural productive landscapes and the way architectures can be designed for and integrated with these landscapes on multiple levels. The design task comprises of an architectural project for a small visitor center with work / research facilities and accommodation for 6 staff members.

Primary question is how cultural landscapes may be understood in their capacity to be productive and how they can be augmented with clearly defined architectural projects. In turn the architectural designs are expected to employ local resources and materials and be strongly integrated in the landscape and utilize similar passive means for modulating micro-climate.

The project site and field of study will be a cultural landscape in Tuscany, Italy. The students will stay on site for a period of one month during which analysis will be conducted and data collected. Based on the findings projects will be formulated and designed for the site(s).

The studio will collaborate with Italian institutions and landowners on this project.
Talks have been initiated and agreements made with University of Florence: Department of Architecture, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems and Laboratorio di Geomatica per l'ambiente e la conservazione dei beni culturali; and Paolo Socci, Fattoria di Lamole.

The field trip is initially planned to last one month. Norwegian students can apply to Lånekassen for non-refundable financial support.

Learning outcome

• Knowledge in architecture and landscape integration;
• Knowledge of the architectural and computational design themes (concepts, methods) pursued by the studio;
• Knowledge in the way constructions contribute to local microclimate and productive landscapes;
• Knowledge in data collection, data-driven computational design and the utilization of advanced visualization methods;

• Skills in data collection and data-driven computational design;
• Skills in advanced visualization methods;

General competence
• The ability to set up and follow through a design process that leads to the desired result;
• The ability to develop designs based on specific performance criteria;
• The ability to utilize design as a mode of research in architecture;

Working and learning activities

Teaching Activities:
• Lectures on key conceptual and methodological approaches;
• Seminars on seminal texts and projects;
• Workshops focused on specific design aspects or skill building;
• Studio tutorials and discussions on the design work;

Core thematic foci include:
• Performance-oriented Architecture (Hensel 2013);
• Informed Non-standard (Sørensen 2015);
• Cultural Landscapes (Agnoletti 2006);

The methodological approach encompasses:
• Performance-oriented Advanced Computational Design;
• Integration of data-driven Methods, Processes, Information and Analysis;

Work Effort
• 90% mandatory attendance;
• Mandatory participation in 4 week field trip;
• Mandatory participation in elective course ‘Modulating Microclimates
• Field trip period ca. week 37 to week 40;

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required