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Start semester

60 620 Urban design. Sustainable small town development. Gjersrud-Stensrud

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Bærekraftig stedsutvikling. Gjersrud-Stensrud
Course code: 
60 620
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2022 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2022 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Andreas Kalstveit
Jørgen Johan Tandberg
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Urban Design

Course content

The studio will be a collaboration with the european research project: PAV (Planning for autonomouns vehicles). AHO is a partner in this project. and Espen Hauglin (AHO), Karl Otto Ellefsen (AHO) and Alan Berger(MIT) will be involved in the studio and lab.

The studio believes that "the green shift" as a political project will radically impact our built environment. This should provide a platform to critically examine the position of our own discourse, inevitably resulting in a paradigm shift.

The studio focuses on developing strategies for the sustainable development of small Norwegian towns, working with realistic cases in order to understand the typical challenges. Many small towns of a similar size and function have developed in phases which carry characteristics of contemporary political projects. Arguably, they are not so much the results of cultural continuity and traditions, as they are of sudden and modern breaks with the past. If the shift towards renewable energy and increased environmental consciousness can be said to constitute a new such politcal project, happening in response to a popular awakening, it is imperative that we as architects engage with local municipalities now, while this is happening. Architecture and urban planning should in this context not be considered separate discourses. Buildings are environmentally determined objects, their raison d'aitre - economic, social, political - necessarily expressed in their physical form. As such, we will treat the architect as a generalist, interested in seeing sustainability across all scales. On a regional level: where should we build? On an urban level: how should we plan our towns and cities? And on a building detail level: how should we build our homes and our public infrastrucure?

 Our aim is to develop strategic building projects that can serve as exemplars for a new "aesthetics of sustainability" for the Norwegian small town. The proposals will be defined by a clear strategic purpose on a regional level, a defined building programme that is in actual, realistic demand, a rational, sustainable and economic means of construction, and a seductive public image. Our role as architects is also to bring these things into a higher unity. In being of and about our time, the work will by nature also be "modern", in the heroic and postivist sense of the word. The studio engages critically with technology, working with experts in various fields in order to be ahead of the game when it comes to knowledge about sustainable construction. As before, a large part of the semester will also consist of reference studies, where the merits of various role model cases are discussed collectively in the studio.



The area of Gjersrud-Stensrud will be the case for the semester. The area is one of the last available development areas on the outskirts of Oslo. We will work with new modes of transportation (atomatic vehicles etc.) as a premise for urban development and architectural projects.



Research description from PAV:

Gjersrud-Stensrud er en av de siste åpne utbyggingsområdene syd-øst for Oslo.Utbygging har ventet på at området skal knyttes til T-banenettet. Dette kurset undersøker konsekvenser og muligheter av å utbygge området med et transportnett basert på AV (Automatic Vehicles) teknologi. Det skal lages ny byplan for området, transportnettet skal designes, det skal gis form til de romlige strukturene, program for utbygging skal diskuteres og boligtypologi skal utvikles sett i sammenheng med forutsetninger om framtidig livsform i området.

Byplanen utvikles som et fellesprosjekt av hele studioet, og innenfor byplanene velger vi individuelle arkitekturoppgaver som til sammen vil illustrere et framtidsbilde for området.

Kurset vil skje i samarbeid med RUTER som eksperimenterer med PAV innenfor Oslo/Akershus, og med OBOS som vil være utbygger i området.

AHO er en av partnerne i det Europeiske forskningsprosjektet PAV (Planning for Autonomous Vehicles). Ved AHO arbeider universitetslektor Espen Hauglin (prosjektleder), professor Alan Berger (MIT) og professor Karl Otto Ellefsen med dette forskningsprosjektet som skal avsluttes våren 2023. Våren 2021 gjennomførte AHO i samarbeid med Ruter et fordypningskurs (elective) som knyttet seg til Ruters «pilot» for AV i tettstedet SKI. Både Ruter og AHO ønsker å utvikle dette samarbeidet, og Ruter har nå foreslått av tema for vårens kurs skal være Gjersrud-Stensrud. Denne problematikken er for stor til å håndtere innenfor rammene av et fordypningskurs, og vi arbeider derfor med å utvikle kurset til et fullt masterstudio.

Ruters har lenge arbeidet med AV og gjennomført diverse fullskala piloter. Det rådende synspunktet er nå ulike former for mikromobilitet vil ta seg av transport i bykjernen, skinnegående systemer (jernbane og T-bane) vil binde det metropole bysystemet sammen, mens AV trolig i første omgang vil knytte stedene og boligområdene i semiperiferien sammen og gi tilgang til de skinnegående systemene. På Ski arbeidet vi med å innpasse AV i eksisterende områder, i det nye prosjektet utvikles ny romlig struktur og bygningstypologi basert på AV. Forutsetningen er at AV vil føre til en dramatisk reduksjon i bruk av privatbil og at dette vil ha svært interessante konsekvenser for arealbruk og bymiljø.

T-banesystemer er tung og svært kostnadskrevende infrastruktur som krever store trafikkmengder for å kunne forsvares. AV teknologi er lett, tilpasningsdyktig og forutsetter langt lavere investeringer. Dette innebærer også at diskusjonene om utbyggingstetthet og bygningstypologi kan bygge på andre forutsetninger, ulike de tette «drabantbystrukturene» som til nå er illustrert for området.

Learning outcome

-Increased knowledge about sustainable construction, detailing and urban planning.

-Ability to analyze the urban fabric of Norwegian small towns, and situate a strategic building project.

-Greater awareness of an architectural project’s impact upon its local context.

-Ability to reflect critically upon the extent of an architectural proposal as an intervention on an urban scale.

Working and learning activities

The students will work on one individual project throughout the term. However: sharing knowledge, details, maps, references and ideas is encouraged. The studio should be seen as a collective where common interests are discussed, and where we all help each other improve our work. Students can expect 4 reviews throughout the semester, weekly desk-crits, and pin-ups every third week. Working methods will include: simple analytical maps, reference studies, detailed drawings, large scale construction models - 1:50 or 1:100 (depending on workshop availability in fall term), realistic renderings. The studio is considered a full-time engagement.


The students will develop plans for a relatively number of housing units, as well as a medium-to-large scale public building/ housing type or similar.

The semester will consist of these phases:

Phase 1. Mapping

 We begin the term with analyses of the place on a regional level and on a local planning level. Throughout the phase we will develop maps that will serve as a way of seeing the place, as well as a foundation for the project, as the drawings will establish certain scopes/scales for the final project. This common research will result in individual strategic planning diagrams, onto which we can test various building typologies. 

 Phase 2. Massing

Each student will produce massing studies of the entire program placed on the site area, directly testing strategies from reference studies in relation to the results from the Mapping-phase assignment (the individual maps). The most successful of these will serve as basis for further project development.

 Phase 3. Detailing

 The aim of the third phase is to develop a tectonic and architectural language for the project. Considering both the general theme of sustainability and the local context. The phase consists of reference studies, a rendering workshop and a detailed integration of technology and structural principles.

 Phase 4. Architectural Project

 In the final phase of the semester we will complete the design of a medium size building by confronting principles developed throughout the semester with a detailed program for a public building/ housing typology. 


Each semester, the studio engages with a separate Norwegian town, working with representatives from its planning department to understand the local challenges. According to the "studio lab"-model, the individual strategies developed by the students will be collected in a publication, where our research is synthesized into more realistic recommendations. This will serve as an idea bank for local municipalities/collaborators in their future planning work. Over time, we can increase awareness in local municipalities of the value of sustainable architecture and planning strategies, and the studio considers this its long-term, strategic goal.


During the semester there will be a study trip. Probably to the United States.


Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Oral presentationIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Oral presentation
Grading scale:Pass / fail