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GK1 Introduksjon til design - Designeren

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Introduksjon til design - Designeren
Course code: 
70 110
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

There are no prerequisites beyond admission to the program

Course content

Basic design - Part 1 Design Basics is the first part of the basic course in design. This is a rehearsal and practice-based course that provides a general introduction to the design subject. The course includes - amongst others - an introductory orientation to the design professional. Furthermore, the course describes the different tools and methods used in design practice. In addition the course includes an integrated drawing course that focus on methodological and analytical freehand drawing. The basic course focuses primarily on the design aspects of industrial design profession through individual design assignments and an aesthetic exploration of two-and three-dimensional expressions, including the use of color. Through a series of exercises oriented towards various design processes, the student will explore various specific issues through individual work with drawing and workshop based model building based on different themes and materials, and practice visual communication skills in presentations.

Learning outcome

On completing the course the student should have acquired knowledge of relevant methods and tools in industrial design. The student should have acquired knowledge about the application of different aesthetic effects in two-dimensional and three-dimensional expression.

On completing the course the student should have acquired the ability to practice basic skills such as drawing, ergonomics, model building, CAD, visual communication and presentation skills including oral presentation skills.

General competence
On completing the course the student should have acquired a basic aesthetic awareness and formalize sensitivity. The student should have acquired experience with the use of different materials through exploration of different materials intrinsic properties.

Working and learning activities

Aesthetics; Through exercises and discussions
Designerly approach; Through lectures, discussions and reviews
Tools and methods; Through introductory lectures and tutorials
Communication; Lectures, tutorials and reviews
Material Understanding; Through exploration and experimentation
Skills; independent work

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
GroupingGrading scaleComment
--Kurset består av 6-8 moduler som alle må beståes frittstående for å få godkjent semesteret. Leveringskrav for hver modul defineres i oppgavebeskrivelsen ved oppstart av modulen.
Grading scale:-
Comment:Kurset består av 6-8 moduler som alle må beståes frittstående for å få godkjent semesteret. Leveringskrav for hver modul defineres i oppgavebeskrivelsen ved oppstart av modulen.
Workload activityComment
Lectures Studenten må beregne å delta i undervisningen daglig i kjernetiden fra kl 09:00-16:00. Fravær ved obligatoriske aktiviteter beregnes som manglende progresjon i studiet og gir trekk i forhold til evalueringen av studentens arbeid.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment: Studenten må beregne å delta i undervisningen daglig i kjernetiden fra kl 09:00-16:00. Fravær ved obligatoriske aktiviteter beregnes som manglende progresjon i studiet og gir trekk i forhold til evalueringen av studentens arbeid.