fbpx 70 403 Rethinking Development and Sustainable Design | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


70 403 Rethinking Development and Sustainable Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Rethinking Development and Sustainable Design
Course code: 
70 403
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2022 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2022 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Håkan Edeholt
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses (BA-level) at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS. Open to all study programs.

Course content

The elective course "Rethinking Development and Sustainable Design" is a reading course that takes a critical stance by scrutinizing both "Development" and "Sustainability", as public discourses typically seem to understand these two interrelated concepts today. The goal is to reveal and discuss what kind of developmental paradigm these discourses typically try to sustain and if there are other alternatives to be found that also could be promoted and acted on. Systems thinking might also, whenever appropriate, be used to both analyze and underpin the discussions held. The final deliverable will typically be some sort of a reader containing reviews of literature read and discussions held.

Learning outcome

On completing the class, the students will have:


  • improved their knowledge about "Development" and "Sustainable Design".
  • knowledge about and experience in critical readings of texts.


  • developed their skills to write their own texts.
  • developed their skills to describe and discuss their own and others´ texts in an academic seminar setting.



  • developed a critical and reflective stance towards society, trends, development and design.


Working and learning activities

The content of the class spans from practical work with texts to lectures, discussions, student presentations and the final Reader. Students are typically expected to deliver two reviews each of two books or other relevant sources; one being from the reading list and one that has been found through own research. However, some modificationsmight be made in order to accomodate needs identified in the group.


The pensum is developed as part of the course's own seminar process

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failThe assessement consists of the following:
taking part in class discussions, peer student assessment, student presentations and a final delivery of 2 books.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The assessement consists of the following:
taking part in class discussions, peer student assessment, student presentations and a final delivery of 2 books.
Workload activityComment
AttendancePrecence and active participation in class is expected, as well as involvement in the production of the final delivery.

Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Precence and active participation in class is expected, as well as involvement in the production of the final delivery.