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80 131 Architecture history 2

Emnenavn på Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Arkitekturhistorie 2
Course code: 
80 131
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Mari Hvattum
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed the studio part of GK1 and GK2. Completed (ie approved work requirements, having fulfilled any requirements for attendance and submitted a response to assessment) in other courses in GK1 and GK2.

The course is compulsory for all architectural students in GK3 and is based on GK2 Architecture History 1.

Course content

Architectural History 2 gives an introduction to European and North-American architectural history from around 1900 until today. We study buildings and their contexts, placing particular emphasis on the origins and development of Modernism. Through a series of close readings of selected works, the course explores Modernist design practices as well as its theoretical and ideological ideals. The course is structured as a lecture series.

Learning outcome

The course gives historical knowledge as well as training in understanding and analysing buildings. At the end of the course, the students will be able to analyse architectural form in a critical, contextual, and historically conscious manner.

Working and learning activities

The course is structured as a lecture series. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.


Mandatory reading:

William Curtis, Modern architecture since 1900, London: Phaidon 1996.


Additional texts pertaining to each lecture will be uploaded on Moodle

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
LecturesParticipation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Participation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.