fbpx 80 418 Collecting Architecture: Warburg models II | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

80 418 Collecting Architecture: Warburg models II

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Collecting Architecture: Warburg models II
Course code: 
80 418
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2021 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2021 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Tim Ainsworth Anstey
Mari Lending
Required prerequisite knowledge

This is a course that is useful for pre-diploma students planning thesis work and for students who want to understand about research and curatorial practice. It is open for students that participated in the Warburg elective in the autumn 2020.

Course content

The primary focus is on Warburg exhibition history and exhibition making. 


Studiepoeng: 6

Emnenavn på English: Collecting Architecture: Warburg Models II

Emnekode: 80 317

Studienivå: Syklus 2

Undervisningssemester: 2021 Vår

Eksamenssemester: 2021 Vår

Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk

Maksimum antall studenter: 3–4 (the course is a continuation of Collecting Architecture. Warburg Models, autumn 2020)

Emneansvarlig: Tim Ainsworth Anstey and Mari Lending



This is a course that is useful for pre-diploma students planning thesis work and for students who want to understand about research and curatorial practice. It is open for students that participated in the Warburg elective in the autumn 2020.


Om emnet

The primary focus is on Warburg exhibition history and exhibition making. 


The elective forms part of an ongoing project to produce an exhibition to be displayed at Blaker gamle Meieri outside Oslo in April/May 2021, travelling to Hamburg and London in 2022. The exhibition will explain the building history of one important cultural institution, the Warburg Institute, which is part of the University of London. 


The Warburg Institute is a research library that contains a collection of books about cultural memory. Between 1923 and 1958 the Institute commissioned six architectural projects that all tied ideas about architecture to ideas about classifying knowledge. In them, architectural organisation in plan and section reflected the categorical organisation of the contents. The Warburg Models exhibition will explain these relationships through displaying the six architectural models that were produced by the students in the autumn, 2020.  

Learning outcome

After this course the student will have:

  • Demonstrated how the knowledge they already have in using drawing as a means to analyse architectural situations can be applied to historical material in order to produce vibrant new design propositions in a new context
  • Practiced conceptual thinking about the communicative potential of architectural models and architectural exhibitions
  • Learnt research techniques based on using archival information
  • Developed precise writing techniques to caption an exhibition display
  • Developed ideas about cultural memory and the transfer of tradition
Working and learning activities

The exhibition, with the working title “Re-inscribing the Warburg Institute”, will contain a mixture of architectural models, drawings, archive photographs and exhibited artefacts. The student project is to complete work on models commissioned at AHO, to develop a design for and to produce the first prototype for the exhibition to be exhibited at Blaker. The elective forms a continuation of the Warburg Models elective, autumn 2020 and provides a chance for students wishing to complete individual studies around Warburg models to further research the subject. This seminar will be more research driven than the autumn seminar, with activities based on weekly seminar discussions both on Aby Warburg and the Institute’s exhibitions since the Hamburg period, and around exhibition production in situ, at Blaker. New students joining the elective will have access to the resources, lectures and other materials gathered so far. An introduction one day seminar will allow students in the existing seminar to present and introduce the subject, together with experts associated with the project.


The exhibition is being developed with the Warburg Institute, University of London, the Warburg Haus, Hamburg and Blaker gamle Meieri, Blaker.


The curriculum will be supplied close to the introduction date. The course will consist of regular Tuesday seminars. The intention is to focus work in situ at Blaker gamle Meieri.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail