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SOD4 SOD – Design for communication

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
SOD – Design for communication
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2025 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2025 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Andreas Wettre
Jonathan Romm
Course content

Organisations are described as "stream of conversations" (Patricia Shaw). Communication is hence central in any change process but especially in those coping with complexity. Building on the visual dialogues of gigamapping, the seminar will provide a series of concepts and tools for communication in/for/of complexity.


In this module, we study various organizations and their relationships from a systems-oriented design perspective. We will work through our communication framework. We study link it to relevant theories and dig deeper into the systems (people) behaviour and communication. This will include relevant elements from psychology.

We will utilize the knowledge from previous modules and use this as our lenses when exploring how to influence the different feedback loops and power dynamics in the mapping. This inquiry is, in turn, linked to organisational change and strategy work.

Learning outcome
  • Ability to use systemic thinking as an important basis for communication, creating common understanding and sustainability development in big organizations.
  • Experience with applying various tools to visualize relationships within and between systems and to use these in facilitation
  • An increased repertoire of facilitation tools
  • Increased understanding of using to SOD to understand systems and challenge dominant logic
  • Competence in employing systems-oriented design as a tool for communication to achieve change towards a desired future
Working and learning activities

The module consists of lectures, brief introductions to exercises and practical work in groups of students who encounter similar problems in their own work situations. The module is comprised of two seminars.

Learning and Inspriation from the RSD conference will be a foundation of this module


Gerald Midgley, Systemic Intervention; Praxis Page 279 - 396

Relevant articles linked to Ralph Stacey (TBD)

Relevant articles linked to SOD and communication found at the RSD conference

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualPass / fail
Oral presentationIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Oral presentation
Grading scale:Pass / fail