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Diploma submission for architecture

Information for architecture students about how to submit your diploma project.

Submitting the digital files

Please check the deadline for submitting digital material on Moodle and the diploma calendar.
Formal criteria
  • Minimum number of files: 4 (synopsis, binder 1, binder 2, print files)
  • Maximum number of files: 8 
  • Maximum size of files: 900 MB
1. Synopsis
1-4 pages in A4 format
PDF File
Lastname, Firstname _ Synopsis.pdf
- The synopsis will be the first thing the examiners read. Use it to give a quick overview over the diploma, your approach, and how they should read the rest of the material.
2. Binder 1 – Project

Format of your choosing
PDF File
Lastname, Firstname _ Binder 1.pdf
- This binder showcases the project and guides the examiners through the key material. It should contain, but is not limited to, the following:
Abstract Research question(s) Project Key research, findings, and references Reflections

3. Binder 2 – Process

Format of your choosing
PDF File
Lastname, Firstname _ Binder 2.pdf
- This binder showcases the process for the semester and guides the examiners through your working method. It is suggested that you showcase not only the process you see as directly tied to your final project, but also other parts of the process, such as dead ends and roads not taken.

4. Appendix (optional)

Format of your choosing
PDF file
 Lastname, Firstname _ Appendix.pdf
- The appendix is a document where you can gather additional material that might not align with the categories of either of the binders above but that you find important to share. For example, a complete archive of original drawings.

5. Print Files

PDF file
 Lastname, Firstname _ Print files.pdf
All the material you plan to exhibit needs to be submitted digitally. Gather these documents into one pdf file. Drawings cannot be changed after the digital submission but line weights can be adjusted / fine-tuned during printing. For the dimensions of the exhibition area, please refer to the AHO Works Exhibition section of the website.

6. Video and audio files (optional)

Supported file types are .mov, .mp4, .mp3, .exe
 Lastname, Firstname _ Title.mov/mp4/mp3


Binders 1-2 and the appendix can be printed after the digital submission as long as the printed version is the same as the digital submission. For all other books and booklets, these should be submitted with the models. 

Submitting physical models

If your project consists of one or more models, they must be submitted within the deadline. The models will be kept safe in storage until you mount your exhibition. All parts of your model must be marked with a label with your name and telephone number during storage. You confirm your submission by signing the submission list provided by Academic Services.

Publishing Agreement

In addition to digital files for your diploma project, you must deliver a signed publication agreement. The publication agreement must be submitted in a separate folder on Moodle.

Read more about the publishing agreement here.

After submission

You cannot develop your project after submitting your project. You may continue working on how you present your project, by preparing for your presentation and the exhibition.   


​Se emnebeskrivelse for 12 701 Diplom Arkitektur her.


Se frist for innlevering av digitalt materiale i Moodle og i diplomkalenderen


Formal criteria

Minimum number of files: 4 (synopsis, binder 1, binder 2, print files)
Maximum number of files: 8
Maximum size of files: 900 MB

Mandatory: Binder 1
Diploma program, abstract and digital posters
  • Diploma program (The projects are evaluated in relation to the programs. (Eks. Short description of the Architecture program and the functional program). If the project has changed since pre diploma, an updated program for the actual project should be submitted.)
  • Abstract (1-4 A4 pages that gives a “rough guide” to the project, it’s foundation, topic of research and outcome)
  • Digital "posters" ready for plotting (you will plot these and mount to boards) 
Format: PDF
Mandatory: Binder 2

Documentation of the process, sketches, process material, etc

Edited documentation of the process in digital format: sketches, photos of sketch models, texts etc

​Format: PDF

Optional: Additional files

You can submit maximum two files in addition to Binder 1 and Binder 2 if you have any material in other formats.

Accepted formats:

  • MP3
  • MP4
  • MOV
Printing and submission

NB! Binders 1-2 and the appendix can be printed after the digital submission as long as the printed version is the same as the digital submission. For all other books and booklets, these should be submitted with the models.

(Legg inn knapp til innleveringsportal

Lever digitale filer i Moodle)


I tillegg til digitale filer for diplomprosjektet ditt, skal du levere signert publiseringsavtale. Publiseringsavtalen skal leveres inn i en egen mappe på Moodle.

Les mer om publiseringsavtalen under Bruk, arkivering og publisering av diplomoppgaver her.


Innlevering av fysiske modeller

Se frist for innlevering av fysiske modeller og dato for montering av utstilling i diplomkalenderen.
Se mer informasjon om utstilling her.

Hvis prosjektet ditt består av en eller flere modeller skal de leveres innen fristen, og vil bli oppbevart trygt frem til du skal montere utstillingen din på satt dato. Alle delene til modellen din skal merkes med en lapp med navn og telefonnummer på under lagring. Ved innlevering må du signere på en egen liste for at du har levert.

Etter innlevering

Du kan ikke videreutvikle prosjektet ditt etter innleveringsfristene. Du kan imidlertid fortsette å jobbe med hvordan du formidler prosjektet ditt gjennom å forberede presentasjonen og planlegge utstillingen.