Congratulations to this autumn's winners of AHO WORKS AWARDS!
05. February, 2024
In the awards ceremony for the autumn of 2023, 18 prizes were awarded to the best projects of the semester – see all the winning projects here.
AHO WORKS AWARDS is an award ceremony to celebrate the studio and diploma projects that have excelled at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). The award is presented every semester.
Teachers at AHO nominate candidates for the awards, and then the jury and sponsors evaluate the projects. The very best projects in each category receive awards and are celebrated with a formal ceremony.
Here is an overview of all the awards and winners:
Prize: Excellence in Architectural Writing
Sponsor: PaxWinner: Vilde Gimming
Project: “Postcard Perspectives”
Prize: Climate Shifts
Sponsor: SkiftWinner: Tomine Furelid
Project: “Choreographing Natural Processes: interplay with natural processes to create land for nesting birds in Longyearbyen’s delta.”
Prize: Interaction design
Sponsor: BekkWinners: Johanna Forss and Tianyi Shi
Project: “Bortenfor kysten”
Prize: FutureBuilt
Sponsor: FutureBuiltWinners: Sherina Jhunjhnuwala, Hedda Sofie Helgesen and Nichakan Srimaung
Project: “Connecting Groruddalen Sustainable Architecture and Urban Studies”
Prize: Industrial design
Sponsor: K8 IndustridesignWinner: Shanna Agatha Boot
Prize: Excellence in Professionalism
Sponsor: ArkitektbedrifteneWinners: Lorenz Bischof, Nikolai Mathisen and Andrin Alpiger
Project: “Crematorium Langøyene - Oslo Fjord”
Prize: Prize for service design
Sponsor: NoA IgniteWinners: First-semester design GK1 (group project)
Project: «Futti Krutti Nabolagsfestival”
Prize: Excellence in the use of steel
Sponsor: Norsk StålforbundWinners: Jonas Lødemel Bråthen and Madeleine Haaland
Project: “Densifying a garden suburb: a re-imagining of the single house car garage”
Prize: Excellence in the use of concrete
Sponsor: BetongFokusWinners: Hauk Hilde Haslum and Karoline Manvik Mathisen
Project: “Inhabiting the plinth: Densification at the intersection of infrastructure and the protected wooden house settlement of Ekebergskrenten”
Prize: Prize for complexity and holistic approach
Sponsor: HalogenWinners: Systems-oriented design (group project)
Project: “Barnevernet”
Prize: Excellence in the use of timber
Sponsor: TreFokusWinner: Brage Banken Lervåg
Project: “Book exchange”
Prize: Strategic use of design
Sponsor: Forte DigitalWinner: Mathilde Nissen
Project: “Modular Clothing”
Prize: Excellence in the use of glass
Sponsor: Arkitektur- and designhøgskolen i OsloWinners: Nora Bull Langehaug and Astri Sunde Brynildsrud
Prize: Material exploration and aesthetic experience
Sponsor: DesignitWinner: Helene Aagaard Evensen
Project: “Waitzer slide”
Prize: Urban ecology
Sponsor: Arkitektur-og designhøgskulen i OsloWinner: Yme Seglsten Thompson
Prize: OBOS prize for excellence in residential Architecture
Sponsor: OBOSWinners: Kristin Lauvdal and Maja Stenøien
Prize: Best design diploma
Sponsor: Arkitektur- og designhøgskulen i OsloWinner: Carl Magnus Traberg
Project: “Digital Introspection”
Prize: Best landscape architecture diploma
Sponsor: Arkitektur-og designhøgskulen i OsloWinner: Hsin Lu
Project: “The Montane Ethnobotanical Garden - Symbiosis on a Subtropical Island”