A Garden of Ideas
25. October, 2022
For weeks design students have been working in the old Munch Museum making a Garden of Ideas. A Garden of Ideas is a pop-up strategic design studio for cultivating neighbourhood futures at the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2022.
A Garden of Ideas is developed by Einar Sneve Martinussen, Dan Hill and Joakim Formo with students from the “Strategic Design for Society” master course at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design
“The Garden of Ideas has been one of the few projects in my design education where I’ve felt completely free and supported to create far-reaching, and sometimes implausible, ideas. By giving up the notion of ownership to our work, we’ve been able to create and develop ideas in a uniquely collaborative setting,” says student Hanna Steingrimsdottir.

The theme for this year’s Triennale is ‘Mission Neighbourhood’ - spotlighting neighbourhoods as the place and horizon for rethinking our cities and societies. For 6 weeks the Garden of Ideas team will be running a continuous early phase design project about neighbourhood innovation. The dusty, old workshop of the old Munch Museum at Tøyen has been redesigned into a space for celebrating the craft of collective idea-making and is open to everyone five days a week.
"The garden of ideas has been a very interesting and fun experiment. It shows how designers can and should play a larger role in urban development, and what can happen when design work is done in public with and for the collective,” says student Tobias Mangersnes.
Come on by for coffee, chats, snacks and live-action idea-making! Interruptions, contributions and critiques welcomed! The garden is open this week, and will end with a party at the Oslo Architecture Triennale’s closing party on Friday 28. October.
Take a deep dive into the garden of ideas on their Instagram account.

Einar Sneve Martinussen, Associate professor AHO
Dan Hill , Director Melbourne School of Design
Joakim Formo, Associate professor AHO
Glenn Sæstad, Assistant professor AHO
Juni Ruud Bunkholdt
Tetiana Dubovenko
Nora Røstø Grøtberg
Michalina Fidos
Malin Emilie Hoff
Oskar Jeremiasz Jasiczak
Tobias Mangersnes
Ragne Helene Solum Mathiesen
Hanna Steingrimsdottir
Regina Von Koch
Yingjie Wei