Se emnebeskrivelse for 12 701 Diplom Arkitektur her.
Se frist for innlevering av digitalt materiale i Moodle og i diplomkalenderen.
- Formal criteria
Minimum number of files: 4 (synopsis, binder 1, binder 2, print files)
Maximum number of files: 8
Maximum size of files: 900 MB - Mandatory: Binder 1
- Diploma program, abstract and digital posters
- Diploma program (The projects are evaluated in relation to the programs. (Eks. Short description of the Architecture program and the functional program). If the project has changed since pre diploma, an updated program for the actual project should be submitted.)
- Abstract (1-4 A4 pages that gives a “rough guide” to the project, it’s foundation, topic of research and outcome)
- Digital "posters" ready for plotting (you will plot these and mount to boards)
- Mandatory: Binder 2
Documentation of the process, sketches, process material, etc
Edited documentation of the process in digital format: sketches, photos of sketch models, texts etc
Format: PDF - Optional: Additional files
You can submit maximum two files in addition to Binder 1 and Binder 2 if you have any material in other formats.
Accepted formats:- MP3
- MP4
- Printing and submission
NB! Binders 1-2 and the appendix can be printed after the digital submission as long as the printed version is the same as the digital submission. For all other books and booklets, these should be submitted with the models.
(Legg inn knapp til innleveringsportal
Lever digitale filer i Moodle)
I tillegg til digitale filer for diplomprosjektet ditt, skal du levere signert publiseringsavtale. Publiseringsavtalen skal leveres inn i en egen mappe på Moodle.
Les mer om publiseringsavtalen under Bruk, arkivering og publisering av diplomoppgaver her.
Innlevering av fysiske modeller
Se frist for innlevering av fysiske modeller og dato for montering av utstilling i diplomkalenderen.
Se mer informasjon om utstilling her.