fbpx Det nye kollektivet: Nettverk-Marked | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Start semester

Det nye kollektivet: Nettverk-Marked

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Det nye kollektivet: Nettverk-Marked
Course code: 
40 613
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level (bachelor in architecture).

Course content

Studio B3 continues with its search towards an architectural awareness that seeks to establish sustainable relationships between Nature and Culture and where the experience, discoveries and inventive thinking from the earlier "The New Collective" courses actively will be used and/or further developed.
The new relationship between nature and culture that studio B3 in the next courses investigates is utilized through the futher understanding, development and discovery of architectures elemtary properties and architectural space.
In order to approach this new correlation, the courses will at the start of the semester seek to dig deeper into the social/cultural changes and challenges that mark our time and discuss how these changes in different ways have influenced our relationship to the architectural space and how we use it.
Sets of living and the threshold between private and public, as well as the local and the global, will be debated in order to create a content in which the individual again compiles a consciousness towards architecture and hence attitude towards nature.

The New Collective: Network-Marked (spring 2015)
Each student shall define and argue for their own program intentions.
The Task is to make a desired relationship between; a social construct, a built construct, and an environment/milieu.

Each of the constructs has their own particular "Network". The challenge is how these networks architecturally can relate to one another as a new desired "Network", marked as the new collective.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course, students will have increased their knowledge and skills within:
advanced, experimental architectural design.
Process preparation/adaption.
Development of own working method.
Architectonic programming/development of a precise visual and written argumentation towards an architecture.

Working and learning activities

Introduksjon til oppgaven.
Individuell programmering.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Excursions1Not requiredThe course is assessed on the basis of participation, study-progression and intermediate reviews. The final project is examined by an external critic. The work is to be used for publications. The course is assessed as pass/fail, subject to the regulations for Masters degree programs at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, §6-14
4Four reviews, each a week long, are mandatory.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Excursions
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:Not required
Comment:The course is assessed on the basis of participation, study-progression and intermediate reviews. The final project is examined by an external critic. The work is to be used for publications. The course is assessed as pass/fail, subject to the regulations for Masters degree programs at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, §6-14
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:4
Presence required:
Comment:Four reviews, each a week long, are mandatory.
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:
GroupingGrading scaleComment
IndividualPass / failThe course is assessed on the basis of participation, study-progression and intermediate reviews. The final project is examined by an external critic. The work is to be used for publications. The course is assessed as pass/fail, subject to the reulations for Masters degree programs at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, §6-14
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The course is assessed on the basis of participation, study-progression and intermediate reviews. The final project is examined by an external critic. The work is to be used for publications. The course is assessed as pass/fail, subject to the reulations for Masters degree programs at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, §6-14
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solvingSemesteroppgave
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving