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Practical information - International students

Practical information - International students


Welcome to The Oslo School of Architecture and Design. In this section will find the information you need to begin your studies with us.

After receving a Letter of Admission

Respond to your offer of admission

Please respond to the offer of admission in Søknadsweb before the deadline. Failing to do so, will result in a withdrawal of the offer.

Go to Søknadsweb.

Pay the Tuition Fee or document your exemption

Students must pay tuition fees unless they qualify for an exemption.

Please note that students from Norway, Switzerland, EU and EEA also must document their citizenship to be exempted from the tuition fee. 
ERASMUS+ students do not need to document their exemption.

Please read about tuition fees and exemptions here.

Before arrival

Before your arrival, make sure you complete the steps listed below after accepting the offer for admission:
Study Permit - Students with citizenship from outside EU/EEA
Application for Study Permit:
You should apply for your Study Permit as soon as you accepted the offer of admission from AHO. Receiving your study permit takes time.

Please visit UDI’s website for information regarding the application process. Go to Want to apply  and follow all steps carefully.

Study permit checklist: UDI.no

Explanation of the required documentation:
  • Letter of Admission is the e-mail you recieve from AHO with an offer of study.
  • Proof of Housing is stated in your letter of admission
  • Proof of Finance is documentation of paid tuition fee and living expences.

The living expences must be in a Norwegian Bank Account. SiO provides this service.

Please register as a SiO user here and go to My Page - Residence Permit Deposit Account and follow instructions.

You will be invoiced by the student welfare organisation (SiO) for the amount you need to transfer to your Residence Permit Deposit Account. 

SiO will issue a confirmation letter upon transfer. Use this receipt for your UDI Study Permit application (This may take up to 10 working days).

Before you have a Norwegian bank account, you access the money through cash cards. As you as you have opened a personal Norwegian bank account, you transfer your money to your own account.
Study Permit - EU/EEA citizens

​EU and EEA citizens do not need a study permit to study in Norway. However, as a new student you must register online with the The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) at selfservice.udi.no.

Follow the instructions and wait to book an appointment with the police until after arrival in Oslo. You must book the appointment within the three first weeks.

Receiving a police appointment may take time. However, you can legally start your studies and stay in Norway legally as long as you have booked the appointment.

EU/EEA citizens Proof of Finance 
UDI requires you to declare that you have sufficient funds to live in Norway for the length of you stay. This is a self-written declaration.

Nordic citizens registration scheme:

Citizens of Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden must follow this procedure to obtain a permanent ID number/ National Identity Number.

Follow the instructions and wait to book an appointment with the police until after arrival in Oslo. You must book the appointment within the three first weeks.

Receiving a police appointment may take time. However, you can legally start your studies and stay in Norway legally as long as you have booked the appointment.


All students admitted to AHO are eligible for accommodation through the The Student Welfare Organisation in Oslo (SiO)

International students under the age of 35, including Exchange students are guaranteed housing when applying by the deadline 1 June / 1 November. 

Apply for student housing through SiO here.

When asked to fill in your Norwegian ID-number, enter your date of birth.

It is possible to apply for private housing in Oslo if desirable, for example through Hybel.no and Finn.no. However, the SIO housing is better organized and less expensive, hence AHO recommends all international students to apply for student housing through SiO.

Norwegian bank account

In order to open a bank account in a Norwegian bank you will need a Norwegian ID-number. 
Most Norwegian public online services use BankID for login and online idenification. Hence we recommend students staying longer than one semester to open a personal a Norwegian bank account. Norwegian banks have advanced solutions for online banking so you can administrate your accounts, pay bills, and transfer money online. 
Foreign credit cards are widely accepted in Norway and cash machines are easily available, so you don’t have to worry about having cash. 

Health services

Health services in Norway are of high standards. SiO provides General Practitioner (GP) to all students, provided semester fee is paid.

After you have received your Norwegian ID number, you are covered by the National Insurance Scheme. All international students should have Health Insurance for the first six months, to make sure you are covered while waiting for your ID-number.

Prepare for the Norwegian Climate

The winter season in Oslo lasts from late October til late March, with temperatures ranging from -15C to 5C with little daylight. In summer from June - August, the average temperatures range from 11C to 25C with little to no darkness.
In order to dress for the different climate you may experience during your time in Norway we recommend that you bring the following: 

  • Raincoat / wind resisting jacket
  • Winter boots (water resistance)
  • Winter jacket/coat
  • Clothes containing wool
  • Long underwear and warm socks
  • Sweaters
  • Scarf, hat, and mittens

On arrival

Welcome to AHO!

We have gathered some information and a few pieces of advice for when you arrive in Oslo and studying at AHO.

Receiving your ID number - Students with citizenship from outside EU/EEA

You register for the National Registry when metting the police.  

The police notify the Tax Administration (Skatt Øst) on your behalf. Skatt Øst issues your Norwegian Identification number by post.

Important: Update your Norwegian address in all systems. Failing to do so, may delay this process. The letter with your D-number will be sent to the address you gave the police.

If you are staying more than 6 months and have received an D number, you may register a move to Norway in order to receive a national identity number. 
If you are staying for only 1 semester, you are not entitled to a National ID number, and do not have to contact the National Registry. 

Register the Norwegian ID number at AHO
You register you national ID number in AHO's system by filling out the online form "Updating your name or Norwegian ID number".

Receiving your ID number - EU/EEA citizens

Students staying for more than six months must register with the National Registry and book an appointment at The Service Center for Foreign Workers (Skatt Øst).

Important: Update your Norwegian address in all systems. Failing to do so, may delay this process. The letter with your D-number will be sent to the address you gave the police.

Register the Norwegian ID number at AHO
You register you national ID number in AHO's system by filling out the online form "Updating your name or Norwegian ID number".

Norwegian Language Courses

In partnership with Folkeuniversitetet AHO offers Norwegian Language courses to our International Students. Please await information.


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