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Costs and living

Costs and living

On this page you will find more information about tuition fees and exemptions from tuition fees, in addition to finance you need to document for to study at AHO.


Tuition fee

Students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must pay tuition fees, unless they qualify for an exemption.

The tuition fee at AHO is set to 380 000 NOK per academic year (Autumn + Spring semester).
The last semester in the Master of Architecture programme is set to 190 000 NOK.

The tuition fees will be adjusted annually.

Proof of Finance

In addition to the mandatory tuition fee, the UDI also require that students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must document for proof of finance. The full sum (Tuition fee + Proof of Finance) must be documented in order to gain study permit.

As part of the process to secure a study permit, International students whom the tuition fee applies to, will be required by the Norwegian government to provide a deposit covering the first-year tuition and one year of living expenses.
If you are admitted to our study programme, you will need to make the deposit before you can start your application for a study permit.

Read more about Proof of Finance


The Oslo School of Architecture and Design does not administer any sources of student funding and cannot assist students financially. 

Some students may be entitled for support from Lånekassen (The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund). Please find more information here. 

How and when to pay the tuition fee?

Deadline for new students: Same as the deadline to response to your offer.

The tuition fee covers one year of studies. All students that are eligible for tuition fee must pay once a year.

1. Bank details for payment:

Please pay the tuition fee using these details:

Amount: 380 000 NOK (190 000 NOK for the last semester in Master of Architecture)
Beneficiary’s Name: The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
Beneficiary’s adress: Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo, Norway
Beneficiary’s Bank Name: DnB Bank ASA
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT): DNBANOKK
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): NO20 7694 0512 685

National Organization Number: NO 984 851 006 MVA

Important: Please identify the payment with your application number and full name.

2. Send in your receipt of payment

Please upload a receipt or a screenshot of the payment in this form.

3. Recieve a confirmation from AHO

When AHO has registered the payment, we will issue a confirmation of payment. This can be used as documentation when applying for a student residence permit.

If you have not recieved your confirmation, please contact admission@aho.no.

How to apply for a Tuition fee exemption?

If you fulfill the requirements for one of the following criteria, you may be exempt from paying tuition fees. Documentation for exemption must be uploaded in your application in the application portal Søknadsweb. You may be asked to document for the exemption again if you are admitted to AHO.
Exchange student at AHO

The tuition fees will not affect exchange students from partner universities. You do not need to apply for exemption if you are registered as an Exchange student at AHO.

However, if you apply for the full programme, you may be eligible for tuition fee if you have citizenship from outside of EU, EEA or Switzerland.

You are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you are a citizen from one of the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.

Eligible for loan and grants from Lånekassen

If you have received a decision letter from Lånekassen stating that you are eligible for loan and grants, you can be automatically exempt.

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.

You have a permanent residence permit

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you have permanent residence permit in Norway.

Documentation requirements:

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card
  • Copy of your residence card
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You have a residence permit due to protection (asylum)

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you have residence (asylum) in Norway due to protection, strong humanitarian considerations or a special connection to Norway.

Documentation requirements: 

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your residence card 
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You have a residence permit as family member of an EU/EEA citizen

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you have a residence permit as family member of an EU/EEA citizen. The EU/EEA citizen must have grounds for residence in Norway other than studying.

Documentation requirements: 

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your residence card
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)
  • Copy of the registration certificate for your family member

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You have a residence permit due to family immigration

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you have a residence permit due to family immigration. The person with whom you have been reunited must either be a Norwegian citizen or a foreign national with a reason for residence in Norway other than studying.

Furthermore, you do not have to pay tuition fees if you have gained a continued residence permit on an independent basis due to the Norwegian immigration act § 53. 

Documentation requirements: 

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your residence card 
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)
  • Copy of the residence card or registration certificate for your family member

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You are cohabiting and have children with a Norwegian citizen

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you are cohabiting and have children with a Norwegian citizen. Both you and your cohabiting person must live in Norway.

Documentation requirements: 

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card
  • Copy of your residence card
  • Copy of the residence certificate (bostedsattest) for you, your cohabitating partner and your child
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You are married to a Norwegian citizen

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you are married to a Norwegian citizen. Both you and your spouse must live in Norway. 

Documentation requirements:

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your residence card 
  • Copy of your marriage certificate from the Norwegian Tax Administration or from the foreign authority who officiated the wedding
  • Copy of the residence certificate (bostedsattest) for you and your spouse/legal partner
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You have worked in Norway for at least two years full-time

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you have had continuous full-time work in Norway, have been resident in and paid tax to Norway during a qualifying period of at least 24 months.

You must have had a residence permit as an employee during the earning period. There must be no break during the accrual period or between the accrual period and further studies. However, exceptions can be made for stays of up to 1 year in the event of illness or childbirth.

Stays due to ordinary five-week holidays per year will be accepted as part of the accrual period of 24 months.

Au-pair work is not considered full-time employment and does therefore not give exemptions from paying tuition fees.

Documentation requirements: 

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your residence card 
  • Confirmation(s) from employer(s) showing that you have had continuous full-time employment in Norway for at least 24 months immediately prior to commencing the study programme (start and finish dates). The confirmation(s) must show the role percentage and start and finish dates of the employment. An employment contract is not considered sufficient documentation.
  • Documentation showing that you have paid tax in Norway for the last 24 months immediately prior to commencing studies. This could include copies of the tax return, payslips or corresponding documentation.
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You are a UK citizen and came to Norway before 1 January 2021

During a transitional period that lasted until 2020, the United Kingdom was to be treated as if it were still a member of the EU and the EEA.

If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, who was entitled to reside in Norway in accordance with the EEA agreement before the end of the transition period (31.12.2020), you are exempt to pay tuition fees. You must also have stayed in Norway.

If you came to Norway on 1 January 2021 or later, you are not exempt from the tuition fees.

Documentation requirements: 

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your registration certificate

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.
You have studied in Norway for minimum three years full-time

You do not have to pay tuition fees if you during an accrual period of at least 36 months have lived in and been in education in Norway and passed education equivalent to 3 years of full-time education.

There must be no gap during the accrual period or between the accrual period and further studies. However, exceptions can be made for stays of up to 1 year in the event of illness or childbirth.

During the qualifying period, you cannot have received loans or grants for education from Lånekassen, public support schemes in other countries (e.g. Centrala studiestödsnämnden and Uddannelsesstyrelsen), or from Norwegian public support schemes for development, e.g. Norad, the Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU), the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED).

Documentation requirements:

  • Copy of your passport or national ID card 
  • Copy of your residence card 
  • Copy of the decision letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)
  • Copy of transcripts of records or diplomas for education completed in Norway

If you have been offered admission:
Please apply for exemptions through the form in Nettskjema.

Applying for a student residence permit

When applying for a student residence permit, applicants who have received an offer of admission must document their financial ability to cover living expenses in Norway. This comes in addition to the tuition fees. Please refer to our web page for new students for further information about how to apply. 

If you have any questions about tuition fee, please contact the Admissions office: opptak@aho.no  

Last updated 02.01.2024