Diploma project
Spring 2021
Institute of Urbanism and Landscape
The project takes place on Lista, where some of Norway’s largest sand dune systems are found. The diploma has a speculative approach, looking at the opportunities in processes and phenomena found at the site and playing with their composition. I suggest a connected system of interventions that preserves the possibility of a continuous transformation - a balance.
Sand is time rendered visible. Not only do the sand grains tell us the story of deep time, but as wind blows the top layer of sand across the surface, the landscape is constantly and rapidly changing, making time tangible.
By choreographing a series of gardens with creatures, plants and processes withdrawn from the territory, the vision is to keep the motions and the coexisting stages of the dunes intact. The landscape architect's role then becomes the choreographer, curating landscape processes and space through a series of events - sequences of motion in space and time. Grazing animals, vegetation, human activity and weather phenomena are being arranged and put together to create the choreography. The interventions deal with changes through performance, becoming layers of motion built up in a complex system - in constant cycles and pulsating every second.
The aim is to find the balance between growth and erosion, as well as highlighting the beauty of this dynamic, rural, exposed landscape shaped by thousands of years of agriculture and characterized by shifting sand dunes. My intention is to render these motions visible through the act of landscape architecture; drawing attention towards the phenomena and processes occurring on the site with my interventions and letting the visitors use their senses and awareness to comprehend time.
Pia Rosshaug Gjermo / pia.gjermo@outlook.com
Sand is time rendered visible. Not only do the sand grains tell us the story of deep time, but as wind blows the top layer of sand across the surface, the landscape is constantly and rapidly changing, making time tangible.
By choreographing a series of gardens with creatures, plants and processes withdrawn from the territory, the vision is to keep the motions and the coexisting stages of the dunes intact. The landscape architect's role then becomes the choreographer, curating landscape processes and space through a series of events - sequences of motion in space and time. Grazing animals, vegetation, human activity and weather phenomena are being arranged and put together to create the choreography. The interventions deal with changes through performance, becoming layers of motion built up in a complex system - in constant cycles and pulsating every second.
The aim is to find the balance between growth and erosion, as well as highlighting the beauty of this dynamic, rural, exposed landscape shaped by thousands of years of agriculture and characterized by shifting sand dunes. My intention is to render these motions visible through the act of landscape architecture; drawing attention towards the phenomena and processes occurring on the site with my interventions and letting the visitors use their senses and awareness to comprehend time.
Pia Rosshaug Gjermo / pia.gjermo@outlook.com