fbpx Pragmatic Preservation | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Pragmatic Preservation

Daniel LarsenKim Pløhn

Diploma project

Spring 2022
Institute of Architecture

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Claudio Schneider
The practice of architecture is faced with an unprecedented dilemma: How can we design new buildings, when construction has become a main contributor to the parallel crises of biodiversity loss and climate change?
The economy of obsolescence, which dictates that demolition and new construction is the core of architecture, has become increasingly difficult to subscribe to. Through different scales, from the municipality via the neighbourhood to the building, this project aims to challenge antiquarian building preservation, and suggest an architectural praxis underpinned by a pragmatic form of preservation.

Existing office in typical plan.

Existing concrete structure.

Project seen from east. 

Typical plan under construction.

6_20.jpgGround floor under construction.

Project seen from south.
Kim Pløhn and Daniel Larsen / post@gronnliste.no