fbpx Season of Doing(s) | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Season of Doing(s)

Marieliz Morales Vega

Diploma project

Service design
Spring 2024
Institute of Design

Einar Sneve Martinussen
Ted Matthews
‘Season of Doing(s): exploring the in-&-out of winter season transitions through the built environment layers and across’ explores the winter season, how winter affects society and the environment, and how to design with and for winter.
Winter, as an unexplored design subject, offers insights into how designers and planners can account for seasons. With a service and strategic design perspective, this diploma looks at the built environment to understand winter’s impact on society and how to design with and for winter in Oslo.



Following a ‘Research through design” methodology, the project uses ideas for new winter interventions to reflect on challenges and opportunities when designing for and with winter through the lenses of public health, social sustainability, and climate change. The interventions span services, products, infrastructures, physical in-space elements and cultural events to discuss how we can experience winter differently.


The results of the diploma is a walkthrough experience, guided walk and service prototype in which the findings, ideas, and the prototyped interventions developed were experienced. Structured as a ‘time travel’ through the winter months of the year, each month had an experience prototype, and reflective questions that helped the participants immerse themselves in the experience. 

This project lifts up some of the challenges we experience during winter and argues how when considering the season’s transitions we can potentially better shape our built environment and experience of it.
Marieliz Morales Vega / m.mvega@outlook.com