Diploma project
Autumn 2024
Institute of Design
The Tøyen neighbourhood’s youth face significant challenges, particularly those from low-income households. These challenges include limited access to educational resources and support networks. These challenges hinder their personal growth and social mobility, necessitating fostering a supportive network for their development.
Design Brief: To design and establish a third-space environment in Tøyen that fosters personal growth offers support, and provides resources tailored to the needs of local youth.
Design Brief: To design and establish a third-space environment in Tøyen that fosters personal growth offers support, and provides resources tailored to the needs of local youth.
Design Scope:
- Leverage Deichman Tøyen as a hub to engage with the youth of the neighbourhood.
- Utilise tailored services offered for the youth by specialised organisations and establish their relationship with Tøyen.
- Design the relationship between Deichman Tøyen and the partner program coordinators.
- Design the service to engage the youth to explore their interests and reflect on their personal journey and communicate with their peers to promote mutual growth.communicate with their peers to promote mutual growth.
What is ‘Youth station’?
Youth Station is a service that is designed to help the youth of Tøyen navigate through the challenges they face due to their circumstances.
The program is run by Deichman Tøyen in collaboration with organisations as program coordinators with the aim of helping the youth identify their interests, provide access to relevant resources and plan the path to follow through their education.
Why do we need ‘Youth station’?
This will help them with equal opportunity, improve job prospects and socio-economic condition.
Youth station would streamline access for youth, directing them to services that specifically address their challenges and creating a cohesive network of support that enhances their journey.
We need a service that acts a bridge and brings makes the existing programs accessible to the youth of Tøyen.
How can ‘Youth Station’ benefit the youth of Tøyen?
The “Youth Station” service helps the youth of Tøyen by creating a supportive environment for self-discovery, allowing young people to articulate their aspirations.
It engages them through activities like movie screenings, encouraging participation and discussing aspirations. The service includes structured self-reflection tools for setting personal growth plans and promotes peer collaboration for shared learning “Youth Station” helps bridge the gap between their current circumstances and future aspirations by providing essential resources and support. Ultimately, it empowers Tøyen’s youth to navigate their futures confidently while fostering personal and academic growth.
Four step plan of ‘Youth Station’
Phase 1: Reaching out to the youth
Goal: Invite youth, feel comfortable and initiate a conversation - engage
What happens in this phase?
Deichman reaches out to the youth to participate in the movie screening and workshop event.
The information is shared in the form of a poster with links to register and other details.
Initiator: Deichman Tøyen
Outcome: Youth awareness about the program scope and schedule.
Phase 2: Explore interest
Goal: Encourages the engagement of youth to voice their interests and articulate their aspirations
What happens in this phase?
Organize a movie screening as a conversation starter to inspire young people and encourage exploring their interests; Conduct workshop to help youth identify their interests
Initiator: Program coordinator
Outcome: Inspire youth in identifying interest and explore different possibilities
Phase 3: Self-reflection and identifying challenges
Goal: Helps the youth introspect and outline personal growth plans
What happens in this phase?
Follow the provided checklist to document and self-reflect on their learning path and note their challenges during this process.
Initiator: Youth
Outcome: Acknowledgement of their circumstances and identify the support they need from the program coordinators.
Phase 4: Engage in dialogue to overcome challenges
Goal: Share learning experiences and challenges with the peers and motivate each other.
What happens in this phase?
Youth-led conversation with peers and the program coordinator, sharing their personal experiences and challenges.
Initiator: Program Coordinator
Outcome: The program coordinator connects youth with organizations and programs that address their challenges.
Conclusion: The “Youth Station” service creates a supportive environment for self-discovery and skill development. By finding inspiration, individuals can pursue their passions and identify the resources and opportunities needed to advance their education. This program ultimately helps young people understand their challenges, which is essential for creating a positive ripple effect among their peers and families. In doing so, it provides opportunities for upward mobility.
Arindita Dey / arindita19@gmail.com / https://www.arindita.com/